Friday 3 August 2018

Chicken, Chicken and More Chicken! (July 10, 2018)

I got up early and worked out again.
That makes two days in a row!!

I always feel so good when I get it done.
I had to really baby my ankle again but I did manage to get some jogging in.

I headed off to work early and I got right to work.
I drank my morning coffee super fast so I treated myself to a second cup of caffeine only the second round was a cup of tea.
I don't do that very often.

I am still playing catch up with emails - boy do they ever build up after two weeks.

I stopped on the way home to pick up a card for another co-worker who is transferring.
He is our measurement guy and I am going to miss him.
He really knows his stuff and he taught me so much and always with so much patience.
His new area is lucky to be getting him!

Lunch was leftovers again.
I love leftovers because they are ready to go when I get home.
It helps to avoid grazing on the days that I get home and I feel like I'm starving.

When I arrived back to the office I had a parcel on my desk!
I love getting parcels.
It is the little mat I ordered for the babies room.

I ended up working late because I really wanted to get everything caught up so I could start fresh tomorrow.
It felt good to get the big stack of paperwork on my desk taken care of.

I had a massage booked for 7:30 but she cancelled because she wasn't feeling well.
I was a bit bummed because I was really looking forward to it.
Hopefully she'll be feeling better soon.
It's a hard job to to let alone when you aren't feeling well I am sure.

I drove around by my son's house on the way home to drop off the little mat but he wasn't at home.

I cooked up some baby potatoes and green beans for supper tonight.
My Honey is usually late on his last day of shift but I was hungry so I didn't wait.
He ended up not being as late as normal so I felt kind of bad but he was ok.

My sister was texting from London - she is still there for another 10 days.
She was worried that something might be going on with her boyfriend back home and I just wished I could fly back over there to be with her.
We texted for a couple hours then she had to head out to work her guard duty after getting absolutely no sleep.
I felt so bad for her.
I wanted to call him up and give him a piece of my mind but of course I didn't.
He hadn't really done anything anyway, it was more of a feeling she was having, so that wouldn't have been good.

I was feeling pretty tired and wanted to go to bed at 8 pm but I made it until 9.

Fur on the "fur"niture is something that honestly drives me crazy but I love my fur babies so much that I just deal with it.

Hit the step goal again!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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