Saturday 4 August 2018

Summer Day in the City (July 27, 2018)

We were up early and on the road by 7:30  - yay us!

We headed straight to my laser therapy appointment.
I am not sure if it helping or not but it isn't hurting that's for sure.

She had printed off the report for the full body scan she did on me last week.
She had tried to email the results to me but it was too big of a file so it wouldn't go.

I think I may go back every now and then for a top up session but for now, I think I am good.
We'll see how things go.

We were out of there right around 10:45 and My Honey had found this little Mexican place that had good reviews so we headed there for some lunch.

They didn't open until 11 am so we just went for a walk up the street and back waiting for it to be open.

The place was called Calle Mexico and it's right downtown Edmonton.
The outside looks kind of run down and dingy but when you get inside it's nice and clean and spacious.

The service was very friendly.

I ordered a bowl of tortilla soup.
It was different than any tortilla soup I've had before but it was very tasty.
I really liked it a lot.

My Honey got himself refried beans.

He also got Tostadas.
They were my favorite thing we had that day.
The ingredients were so fresh and crispy.
So delicious.

I also got the shrimp tacos that they had on special.
They were also good but I was kind of full so I only had one.

We had a Mexican feast.
They had a topping bar with pickled onions and different salsas and stuff so I got some to try and holy heck, they were a bit too spicy for me.
Tasty though.

He was pretty happy with his restaurant find - it was a little gem.

Then she brought out a piece of Tres leches cake which I didn't know My Honey had ordered and even though I was full, I couldn't resist.
It looked moist and delicious and it was.
We shared a pieced but I could easily have eaten the whole slice by myself.

From there we went to the original Italian Market and had a look around.

Looks like they have a new tile work mural out front.
I don't remember it being here before.

They also have these gorgeous hanging baskets on the lamp post outside the store.

We picked up a few things and put our groceries in the truck then went for a bit of a walk around.

Our next stop was Jysk.
I had to return a curtain rod and pick up another curtain and a tension rod.
Since Old Navy was next door, I had a look around in there but didn't find anything I wanted.
When we came out, the rolled ice cream truck was in the parking lot.
Usually they have a huge line up but nobody was around so we went over to see if they were open and they were.

They mix up the cream mixture then they pour it onto a freezing cold slab where it freezes and they work it into ice cream.

They add the toppings then roll it up and put it in the dish.
It looks cool and it is delicious.

They had two specials, a coconut peach mango one and a Moreo which was chocolate, oreo cookie crumbs and caramel.
We ordered one of each.

Coconut Peach Mango


It didn't take long for a line up to form.

We sat on the curb and enjoyed them.

They really are very good.

We were going to see a movie at 4 pm but it was all sold out so instead we went to the St Albert mall and shopped around a bit.
I am looking for a new suitcase because one of the wheels on mine is broken which makes it difficult to pull around but I didn't find anything I really liked.
I did find some Milk Thistle which the laser therapist (Holly) recommended that I take for my liver enzyme issue.

We shopped around but didn't really find anything then figured we'd grab some supper before heading to the 6:30 showing of the movie.

We went to ONG Hanoi.
We were there once before and we liked it.
There is never anyone there so it looks like it's closed but it was open.

My Honey ordered the two piece chicken with rice and their curry chicken soup.

The soup was really good.

I ordered the chicken salad which was basically some of their chicken cut up on lettuce.
The chicken was good but the lettuce was kind of wilty.

From there we headed to the movie.
There weren't any seats left in the St Albert theater with the reclining seats so we had to slum it at the Ciniplex.
Actually - I don't mind Ciniplex and we had some gift certificates we needed to use up anyway.

I picked Mamma Mia 2 and My Honey was ok with that.

We got popcorn because it came with the gift certificate that I had but I also wanted a frozen yogurt.
I got all the toppings!

I will say, this is one way that Ciniplex wins out over Landmark - frozen yogurt!!!

The movie was so good.
The very end had me crying my eyes out.
My Honey enjoyed it as well.

It was still gorgeous out when we left the movie so I didn't want to go to the hotel quite yet.
Instead we went to Finn McCools and sat in their outdoor section.

I ordered a virgin Caesar and some spicy cauliflower.

The spicy cauliflower was similar to the Bang Bang Cauliflower we tried at Wagumama.
It was super hot though and after a few, I couldn't handle the heat anymore.

My Honey had their chicken burger and fries.

They had giant games out there for people to use so we had a couple of games of Connect Four.

I won the first three games.

See how much of a good sport I am - I didn't rub it in at all.

 Then My Honey won the last one we played.
He completely outmaneuvered me.

It was such a gorgeous summer day that I was sad to see it come to an end but eventually we did have to go to the hotel to check in.

We headed to bed not long afterwards.


That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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