Friday 3 August 2018

Best Bagels (July 17, 2018)

A few of the foremen were in St Albert for meetings today so it was even quieter in the office today.

My Honey sent me this picture.
Guess Paddington was surfing the net today, ha ha!

Lunch was leftover roasted chicken, flank steak, chimichurri and quinoa salad.
Yum Yum.

We watched the final episode of Ugly Delicious so now we'll have to find something new to watch.

The afternoon was super quiet at the office again.
There were times that I think I was the only person in the whole place.

My Honey was busy at home cooking up things and was sending me pictures all day long.
He is trying to perfect his bagel making skills.
He is more ambitious than I when it comes to that type of thing.

He made his own everything seed concoction for the tops of them.

Ready to go in the oven.

The finished product - they look absolutely delicious.
I can't wait to get home and have one.

He also made a blueberry pie which looks scrumptious.

I think it's great because I do not like blueberries and so I won't be in the least bit tempted to have a slice.

When I got home after work, supper wasn't quite ready to go so I got busy putting a few coats of color on the shelf I am painting for my grand baby's room.

I did this little dot detail along the edge.
I thought about adding more purple somewhere but My Honey said it would look too busy and I think he was right.

My Honey cooked up shrimp and chimichurri for one side of the bagel

The other side he loaded up with pastrami, cream cheese, tomatoes, onions and capers.
It was so good - I can't wait until tomorrow when I can have another.

My son popped over to pick up the wooden template My Honey had cut out to put in their door so they could use the air conditioner.
He visited for a bit and I convinced him to have a piece of blueberry pie and to take a slice home for his honey.
It didn't take much convincing.

I had also sewed the canopy back up (they had it up in the babies room but the cat jumped on it and ribbon to hang it with came undone) so he took that back home to put back up as well.
I also sent him off with some bagels.

I didn't give him the shelf yet because I want to but a coat of varnish on it first.

My Honey picked up a laser pointer to play with the kitties and Paddington was just going crazy for it.

I don't think I've ever seen him move so much or so fast since we've had him.

After a while he was panting so My Honey had to stop and give him a break, we were afraid he was going to have a heart attack.

We found another show on Netflix, Nailed It.
It looked pretty funny so we watched a couple of episodes before calling it a night.

Looks like a pretty wicked thunderstorm is rolling in so we might be in for a loud night.

Only made it about half way there today.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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