Saturday 4 August 2018

Taking Zeke to the Vet (July 24, 2018)

Two of the girls were back from vacation today (they were actually back yesterday but I worked in St Albert office yesterday).
While I didn't mind my week alone last week, it was nice to have them back and catch up.

Weighed in first thing since I missed yesterday.
270.2 lbs
Not good.

It was feeling a bit chilly in the air, like autumn almost - YUCK!
Come back summer!

I made a few calls this morning to invite a couple more folks to Ray W's retirement lunch next week.
Then it was work, work, work all day.

I made myself a combo lunch, chicken pot pie, sushi and potato salad.
Weird but it worked.

After work I picked up my niece, her guy and their puppy Zeke to take them to WCT to go to the vet.
He was super excited and just wanted to look out the window the whole time.

I swear he has the longest tongue that I have ever seen.

My beautiful niece.

We made it just on time to their 5:30 appointment.
The vet advised them to buy some food to help with Zeke's issue and it costs $150.00 a bag!!!!
That is so crazy.

Afterward I wanted an ice cream so we stopped at the little pink place I love that has over 30 flavors.

I got orange float and rootbeer float and it was delicious.

I took Miss M and Mr T to Dairy Queen so they could get something to eat and Zeke stayed in the truck with me while they went in

We lifted the console in the truck so he couldn't get through to the front but he was desperately trying to get to my ice cream.

Aww, look how sad he looks.

Eventually he squirmed his way over the console anyway so it didn't matter.
He didn't try to eat my ice cream though, he just wanted to have a look around and soon enough he got bored and jumped back into the back.

Their food smelled good so I decided to grab myself something from A&W next door.
I got a teen burger and sweet potato fries then we hit the highway and headed home.

I wanted to eat my fries before they got cold but A&W fooled me, they were cold already.
They were awful, it was like they'd been sitting around for hours, rubbery and cold, just terrible.
I couldn't even eat them and ended up throwing them out.

It was after 7 when I arrived home so I was expecting to see My Honey but he still wasn't home.
So I sat down and started watching Outdaughtered and ate my burger.
He got home just as I was about to eat my last bite, ha ha.
I didn't get him one so I felt a bit guilty although I had called him and he said he didn't want one.

We watched tonight's episode of Face Off.
There were still 6 people left so we figured we had a few weeks left to go but they got rid of three people in one fell swoop tonight and next week will be the finale.
It's been cancelled and what I shame, I think it's just a great show.
They don't include all that drama that you see in other competition shows, the contestants seem to sincerely like one another and they help each other out.
It's refreshing.

Hopefully someone will come to their senses and keep the show around.

Anyway, turns out My Honey has to go in and work tomorrow so we were off to bed at 9:00 pm

I've been noticing the last couple of nights that I've been having some tenderness in my nipple area.
I am not sure what is up, maybe the beginnings of menopause?
I don't know if I'm still a little young for that or not.
Anyway, I just wanted to keep track of when it kind of started just in case!

I had the munchies like crazy tonight - why oh why?
My get up and go has gone up and went somewhere and I need to find it!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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