Friday 3 August 2018

Content Cats (July 11, 2018)

Uggg, I didn't get up and work out this morning.
I was feeling so drained - I talked myself right out of getting up and promised myself I would get it done right after work instead.

I slept in as long as I possibly could before heading to work.

I heard from my sister first thing and she was feeling much better.
Things got sorted and all is good - she was heading to bed to get some much needed sleep.

I got working on monthly reports and boy do they ever take a long time.
It is very monotonous work too - it was making me tired.

There was a meeting going on in the office and they ordered in Subway for it.
There was plenty for everyone but I skipped them, I was happy to go home for lunch just for a change of scenery.

My Honey had made a greek salad and he had cod fish cooking in the oven.
He makes the absolute best greek dressing from scratch, I love it.

It wasn't quite ready so I had chicken again (cooking up all that chicken on the weekend sure comes in handy through the week).
The greek salad was delicious and there was left over baby potatoes and green beans from last night so lunch was pretty darn good.
I love green beans and these ones were really tasty.

The afternoon was more reporting at work and I didn't get it all done by the end of the day.
I probably could have stayed an extra half hour and gotten it completed but I was so tired of doing it that when 4:30 rolled around I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

At least I am almost done so it won't take long to get it finished up in the morning.

There were still subs left so I grabbed one of them on my way out and that is what I had for supper.

My Honey went out for a drive to Barrhead with his buddy BN and they were meeting JRA there.
So I had the house all to myself.
I should have went right down and worked out but instead I sat down and watched a two hour long episode of Outdaughtered.

I snacked on raw almonds and pudding and was having a heck of a time trying to convince myself to go and get a work out in.

It never happened.

I really enjoyed watching these guys changing positions all evening beside me on the couch.
First was the side and belly position.

Then they were on their backs and it almost looks like they are holding hands here.
Quite a far cry from the fighting that had me so stressed out when we first brought Paddington home!
They just look so content and peaceful and that makes me so happy.

A funny for today.

Ha ha ha.

This is actually a great idea.
I love hanging things up and my closet is very organized.
I have it organized first by tank top, short sleeve, long sleeve, sweaters and sweatshirts.
Then those categories are organized again from lightest color to darkest color (I use the colors of the rainbow to determine the order).
So this was right up my alley - great idea for babies room.

We watched some tv then it was off to dream land for this girl.

Not so good with the steps today.

That is all for today, until next time.

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