Sunday 26 August 2018

13 Reasons Binge Continues (August 20, 2018)

Well it was back to work for me today.
Only SV and I here this week as SG and BH are both on vacation.

I weighed in first thing - I am not heading in the proper direction.
268.4 lbs
I can't believe I weigh this much.

It was a busy morning and before I knew it, I was heading home to lunch.
I couldn't wait to get home and watch an episode of 13 Reasons Why.

I like the new posters for the show.

I had leftover meatball sliders for lunch with some instant mashed potatoes on the side.

I also treated myself to a bran muffin.
They don't often have them at the store without raisins so whenever I see them I scoop them up.
It was so yummy!

Work this afternoon was more of the same, I felt like I was just putting in time until I could get home and watch the rest of 13 Reasons.

The TV stand My Honey is working on is coming along.
When he got home from work last night he put a coat of white on it.
I think it is going to look great when it is done.
He is so talented.

As soon as I got home that is what I did.
I parked myself on the couch and watched the last few episodes of season two.

The way it ended pretty much confirms that there will be another season coming.
I was kind of sad that there didn't seem to be any happy endings.
I like my movies to be wrapped up nicely with happy endings for everyone even if it is a little unrealistic.
Guess that will be a good reason to watch the next season - those happy endings could still happen.

Paddington came and cuddled with me for a bit while I was binge watching 13 Reasons.

Supper was easy, bst sandwiches (I subbed in spinach for the lettuce).
It was so good.

Today was the due date for baby to arrive so Miss H posted a 40 week picture of her baby bump.
Hopefully it won't be much longer until we are able to meet baby!

This is what watching 4 episodes in a row of a show will get you.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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