Thursday 16 August 2018

Massage Saves the Day! (August 14, 2018)

These are the curtains I picked up for the kitchen window.
I like them put they are far too short so I think I'll pick up another set when I head to the city this weekend.

The smoke is starting to come back.
I could smell it as soon as I walked out the door this morning.

It didn't stop me from going for a walk to the road and back though.
It didn't feel as harsh as it did last week.

It is enveloping the hillside again though.
We need some more rain to get rid of it.

For lunch I opened a can of white tuna and added light mayo, curry and chives.
I cooked up a couple slices of weight watchers toast to go with it.
I had a massage booked for tonight at 5:30 and I am so looking forward to it as I've been feeling really tight lately.
She called and asked if I could come in early so I did.
I stopped at the store to get cash out and ran into Miss H's mom and sister.
Today is her birthday.
I sent her a birthday message but I didn't realize she was back in town - I thought she was at her grandparents in Barrhead.
I want to plan a birthday get together for her but might need to wait until after baby arrives.
I also ran into My Honey who popped down there to pick up a few things for supper.
We ran into mom's worker with FCSS and talked to her for a bit about our trip to London.
She is from North of London so was excited to hear all about our trip.

She went crazy with the cups on my back and it felt so good.
She also spent a bunch of time working on my legs and feet, especially the left one that has been giving me a bit of trouble on the treadmill.
She is so good at what she does and I appreciate it so much.
She told me to have a bath in Epsom salts when I got home and I promised her I would.

Meanwhile My Honey was back home cooking up some salmon.

He also cooked a couple ears of corn up.

Some instant mashed potatoes and roasted broccoli rounded out the meal.
It was delicious.
After supper I had a lovely soak in a hot bubble bath.
I felt great when I got out.
I think the massage really helped me immensely today.
I am already looking forward to the next one.

My sister got another tattoo today.
It's a pretty cool looking one.
She said that it hurt quite a bit there on here rib cage.
She's tough though - she can handle it!

I decided to take it easy and give my foot a break so I didn't make it to the 10,000 step mark but I did try to get a few walks in today at work so it wasn't as bad as it might have been otherwise.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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