Sunday 5 August 2018

My First Fairy Ring (July 30, 2018)

So I have been thinking about how to get myself back on track and I came up with this plan to just try my best for 3 months.
I am going to follow weight watchers (loosely) and make more of an effort to get in some activity each day.
I am just going to be really honest with myself about the choices I make and give it my all then check back 3 months from today to see where that got me.

So I weighed in this morning just to get a starting point.
I weighed in at a nice round number (that wasn't meant to be a pun either),
270.0 lbs

So off I go - it feels good to have a plan.
I had a protein shake for breakfast then decided to work through lunch so had some egg creations for lunch.

I hung my new wreath up on the front door.
I'm not sure if I like it there but it will stay for now.
It was only 20 bucks which I thought was awesome.

This is another wreath I picked up over the weekend.
It was only 10 bucks so I couldn't resist.
Not sure where I am going to put it yet though.

Another of my weekend finds.
It was on clearance because the box is coming apart on the side but you can barely notice.
No home for this yet either but I'll find one.

This is the new suitcase I picked up over the weekend too.
I like the pattern, I think it will stand out somewhat on the luggage carousel.

It had the double wheels that I wanted too so it will be nice and easy to pull.
I got a few years out of my last one so if I get the same out of this one I will be good with that.

My Honey was busy cooking up some supper and I immediately went to my office to get some more blogging completed.
I was so happy that I finally got through our London trip, now it's just catch up to now.

I write everyday so it's just the pictures I will need to add.
There won't be nearly as many as there were for London so it should go much faster now.

My Honey cooked up corn on the cob and steak for supper.
He also made a delicious salad and there was leftover chimmichurri from last time for the steak.
My wise choice for supper is that I skipped the butter on my corn and you know, it didn't even need it.
It was so sweet & tasty that I didn't miss the butter one bit.

Supper was so good.
I easily could have had a second helping but I made the conscious decision not to and that felt good.
I am going to celebrate every small choice like that because they will all add up.

Paddington has a thing for the blanket lately.

He loves being all bundled up, not that he has said so but he doesn't try to get away so I am assuming.

After supper, we went for a walk.

I wanted to stop by my son's to see how things were going.
The due date is quickly approaching and the doctor is saying that it could be anytime now.

My son was at work but Miss H was home.
We had a short visit with her.
She just had an appointment at the doctor today and he said that he would strip her membranes for her next week if she wanted but she hasn't made a decision about that yet.
She is hot and uncomfortable so I am sure it seems like a tempting offer.
Of course I support whatever she decides.

I noticed this line of mushrooms growing and it was the coolest thing, I've never seen it before.

Turns out it was actually a whole semi-circle which My Honey informed me is apparently called a fairy ring.
It was hard to get a picture but you can see it goes up through the shadow then around right aroung our where are necks are in the shadow all the way over to the edge of the lawn on the upper left side of the picture.

It was a lovely evening for a walk.

We walked back home and I was watching Counting On - the new season started back up tonight.
It seemed like it was going on forever then I realized that it was a two hour episode.

My Honey was busy planting the flowers we picked up.

Paddington "escaped" as he always does every time we open the door.

This is as far as he goes though, just to the bottom of the stairs to munch on the grass so he is really easy to catch.

I have to drive to Red Deer office to do some training tomorrow and its a 4 hour drive there so I knew I didn't want to be tired tomorrow and so I turned off my and headed to bed.
I can watch the rest another time.

This memory popped up on Facebook today from about 5 years back.
We were having a wicked thunder and lightning storm and My Honey & I drove out to the field to watch.
I captured this awesome shot.
I used to love thunder & lightning storms and I still do but not as much when My Honey is on call.
Power usually ends up getting knocked out in the field then he gets called out to start things up and I worry about him being out in the field in the middle of the night.
There are bears and cougars out there and I know he is careful but I still worry.

Made that 10,000 goal!!!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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