Friday 3 August 2018

Quick In and Out to Edmonton (July 20, 2018)

I had an appointment in the city this morning for laser therapy at 10 am so I got up and got ready with My Honey and was on the road by 7:30.
I made myself a coffee and a breakfast sandwich for the road.

I really like drives in the summer like this.
The canola is just looking so beautiful, there wasn't much traffic and it was really nice.

I got to enjoy some good tunes on the way.

I did hit a pretty good rainstorm just as I was arriving to the city and had to slow down considerably.

Made it to the appointment early for once then she informs me that I'm actually super early because my appointment wasn't actually until 11 am.


She said no biggie though, her first client was early too so she was just as happy to get her appointments finished early.

I had to wait a little but then when I went down, she did the body scan on me.

All it turned out to be was this sensor that you placed your hand on and you left it there for 5 minutes while it sent waves through your body (you can't feel anything).

Then we had a quick look at the results together.
I seemed to have a lot of stuff out of whack.

My liver and kidneys showed up a lot as did stress/worry/anger and digestion.

It suggests different vitamins that you should take to get everything back in balance and Vitamin E with selenium was a big one for me.

It is quite a long report (127 pages) so she didn't print it off but said that she would email it to me.
I am looking forward to looking at it in more detail when I get it.

The appointment went fine.
I've been feeling as though it's been helping my appetite so I hope it continues to do so.

After my appointment, I thought I would look for some vitamin E.
There is a bit of a shopping area nearby her house so I headed there.
I noticed they had a Winners which is one of my favorite stores so I went in to have a look around.
I found a pair of capris for $20 and a snowflake cookie cutter.

When I went to pay for it, I realized that I didn't have my bank card or my credit card with me.
I had put them into my smaller purse and forgot to put them back in my wallet.

Thank goodness I had some cash on me but that kind of cut my shopping spree short for the day.

Since I had no money and no way to get any I just headed back home.

I stopped at The Chopped Leaf in Spruce Grove for a Thai Salad and a Chopped Salad.

I had just exactly enough cash left on me to pay for it.

I thoroughly enjoyed it - so delicious.

There were all kinds of goodies in there!

Punch Buggy Orange!

Then I was back on the road.

There were very foreboding clouds off in the distance but luckily I didn't run into any storms.
I ran myself a nice bubble bath when I got home, took my book in with me and was just relaxing when suddenly a major storm descended upon us.

I could here the rain just slamming onto the roof and the Thunder sounded like it was right in the house.
It was wicked.
I felt kind of nervous being in the tub for some reason so I figured I'd better get out.
The power went out and came back a couple of times so I gathered a bunch of candles and lit them and placed them all around the house just in preparation.

I knew that likely meant that My Honey would be late, thunder & lightning storms always cause issues out in the field.

It didn't last more than an hour then it cleared up as quickly as it had come.

My sister texted me to tell me that her boyfriend had broken up with her.
I was heart broken for her.
She is all alone but she said she wants to be alone.
What a jerk!
I could understand if they were having issues but I don't think they were, he just decided that he was interested in someone else.
I am sure that down the road it will be for the best but I know how much it hurts and I just feel for her.
She is going to head to PEI tomorrow to pick up my mom for a bit so I am glad that she won't be alone for long.

I decided to make something warm for My Honey so I settled on chili.
I needed a few more ingredients so I ventured out to the store to pick them up.

I picked myself up a treat too.

I got the chili cooking then I found a new show (obsession) on Netflix.

Baby Ballroom

I watched a bunch of episodes.
It's about the ballroom dancing scene in Britain and how it is blowing up and lots of young kids are really into it.

This one little fellow, Jack, had this idea that the more faces you pulled, the more points you would get from the judges and he was pulling all these faces.
He was so adorable.

My Honey was over an hour late so I went ahead and ate my supper.

I watched episode after episode waiting for My Honey to get home and it was close to midnight when he finally walked through the door.

They had bought them supper out in the field so he wasn't even hungry.

He was tired though so we headed off to bed as soon as he got home.


That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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