Friday 3 August 2018

Happy Birthday BL! (July 19, 2018)

Last day of being by myself at work.
Ordered stuff for Ray's going away, invited ever

Bob's bday, ran down at lunch and picked up a cake for him.

I also got icing to put a birthday message on it for him

Not perfect but it gets the message across.

I also picked up lunch - oriental salad and blt on croissant.

After work picked up steak & baby potatoes made it for supper along with roasted veggies.
I love baby potatoes and roasting broccoli and cauliflower adds this extra dimension of flavor that is just wonderful.

BK sent me a great picture of Miss M & myself that she'd taken at the color run.
I am horrified with how big I look.
I really want to get a handle on the situation but right now I just don't know how.



Off to bed early, have appointment in the morning.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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