Monday, 30 July 2018

Chill Day! (July 7, 2018)

My Honey was off to work this morning but luckily it's the weekend so I have a bit of time to relax before it's back to the grind for me.

I got up when he left for work and made myself a cup of coffee to start the day.

My big plans for the day were to chill and get some kitty cuddles in.

I missed this little face.

I did do laundry and I did some cleaning.
I also unpacked and put everything away.

I wanted to run down to the office to see if any parcels arrived while I was away so I stopped by my niece's place to grab my keys.

The curtains had arrived so next stop was my son's to drop them off.
We opened them up and to me they looked totally different than the picture but they are still nice.
I forgot my camera so no photos of them at this time.

The crib had arrived while I was away and they had it all set up so I had to have a look.
It is looking great in there and they are all ready for baby to arrive.

I sat and visited with them for a little bit.
I asked if they had a name picked out and right now it looks like it's down to two options: Lucy or Piper.
I like both and whatever they choose will be just fine with me.

The day is coming fast (maybe not fast enough for mom) and before you know it, she will be here.
I am getting so excited.

My son said he was heading out to the dump later so I asked if he'd drop by my place on the way and take a couple things for me.

I headed home and got a few things out of the garage to send to the dump.
I ended up getting so much out that I had a whole truck load on my own.

My son dropped by and helped me load up then I followed him to the dump and he helped me unload.
It felt so great to get rid of it.
Little by little I'll get the garage cleared out!!

Back at the house I decided to have a nice long bubble bath because I was feeling pretty grimy after the trip to the dump.
It felt so nice.
I didn't read or anything, just laid in there and relaxed.

The day was drifting away pretty quickly between little jobs around the house and before you know it, My Honey was home.

I hadn't made any supper so we ordered pizza.
I want to get back to eating healthy on Monday so I was going to enjoy eating what I wanted over the weekend.

I was craving a donair pizza so that's what I ordered.

My Honey went with the cheeseburger pizza.

When they arrived I had one of each and I ended up liking his better - I think it was the donair sauce that I was craving more than anything else.

I saw this on Facebook today and I totally want one.

My brother and his family went to Calgary for the weekend, looks like they are having a great time.

They got to see the penguins at the zoo.

They also made a stop to see the giant T-Rex in Drumheller.

The made it to the dinosaur museum too.
Nice to see them getting out and having some family adventures!

Not quite at the 10,000 mark but not bad for a chill day.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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