Sunday 22 July 2018

Hop On Hop Off Bus Tour - London Trip 2018 (June 27, 2018)

My feet were looking pretty swelled up this morning after all that travelling yesterday.
They are still looking a bit better than they did last night though so that's good.

A little tour of our hotel/apartment.
This is our bedroom, it had a door to a balcony that also had a door into the living room area.

This is the living room area.
Mom's putting her feet up and having a bit of a rest this morning.

The teeniest, tiniest sink I have ever seen in my whole life.

The kitchen area.
The whole place had really high ceilings and high end, albeit apartment size, appliances.
It was awesome.

The dining room. It also led out to a little balcony that then in turn led into the other bedroom.

This was the view from the balcony.

You can see the London Eye off in the distance there.

Another view of the kitchen.
It had nice clean lines which I am coming to appreciate more and more.
I love the way fancy details look but I don't love the way they get dirty and are harder to clean.

The door into the apartment.
You needed a code to get in, I was afraid it might cause us issues but it worked like a charm the whole time.
11 Southwark Street although the locals don't quite pronounce it like that so it caused a bit of confusion with the cab drivers a couple of times.

There was some construction going on on the outside of the building.
They were working on it right outside our bedroom window the first morning and I was expecting we would have a noise problem during our trip but I didn't see them again after that first morning.

There were rental bikes literally right on our doorstep.

This is the burger place we ate at last night - it was fabulous.

This fancy building was right across the street and right at the end of it is where Borough Market started.

We all needed to catch up on a bit of sleep so we had a later start this morning.
We left the room around 11 am and according to our internet searching, there was a stop for the Hop On Hop Off bus tour just up the street from our hotel.
We couldn't find it though so eventually we gave up and found a place to get a bite to eat.

My brother and my mom both opted to try the English breakfast.

It has eggs, sausage, beans, toast, bacon and some other goodies.
Very filling!

I had the chicken shish (which is just like a chicken donair but with chunks of meat instead of slices).  My Honey had a donair.

After we ate we decided to take a cab to Victoria Station which is the starting point for the HOHO bus tour.
We got some tickets and hopped on.

There were several different tours including a blue route an orange route and a red route.
We did the blue one first.
We had no plans on hopping off anywhere, just wanted to stay on for the whole route to kind of get the lay of the land.
It's a really great thing to do when you go to a new city if they have one, kind of gives you an idea of things that you might want to explore further.

My mom & brother enjoying the sights on this gorgeous, sunny day.

My Honey & I.

Westminster Abbey is such a beautiful building - I don't think seeing it could ever get old.

Really all of these buildings are so beautiful.

The intricate details are just amazing.

I really love the shape of this building on the top and how the windows at the bottom kind of mimic it.

Trafalgar Square.

Piccadilly Circus

Just random balloon sculptures we passed in a tree.

I love some of the names the pubs come up with!

"The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist"
The name of this recreation statue.

I love the London cabs, especially the ones with the flags on the top.

The Temple Bar Dragon sculpture.

The weather could not have been better!

We did the whole blue route then we changed over and did the whole orange route.
I think all the travelling yesterday and the hot weather today caught up with me a bit and I nodded off for a bit of the tour.
It was really slow going too because the traffic was CRAZY so that didn't help.
It felt like we were at a stand still a lot of the time.

It was close to 7 pm when we got off at a stop near our apartment.
Mom was tired so she called it a night and when in to bed.

My brother headed off to look for a place to get a haircut and to get a pair of pants hemmed so My Honey and I went in search of a place to eat.

We walked through Borough Market but of course most of it was closed by this time of the day.
We did walk by this little place that had the most beautiful outdoor seating area but the menu wasn't that interesting to us so we moved on.

We settled on Slug & Lettuce.
We sat there for quite a while before realizing that we had to go to the bar to put in our order.
There were a few waiters walking around but nobody bothered to tell us.

WE ordered some shrimp bites - they weren't what we were expecting and they weren't very good either.

My Honey ordered a steak - it was just ok as were the fries.

Not the best restaurant experience we've ever had.

I ordered the veggie linguini.
It was very disappointing.
The noodles were hard, like they'd been left sitting out all day or something.
It was so awful that I couldn't really even eat it so I left it and we skipped dessert all together.

We left there and looked for an internet cafe to print of the bus tour tickets for my mother & brother for tomorrow.
They are going to see Windsor Castle, Bath and Stonehenge.
We went on that exact same bus tour last time we were here so we skipped it this time.

The internet cafe ended up being closed so we were kind of stuck.
This is one thing that wouldn't have been an issue had we been at a proper hotel but we figured it out.
We had passed a hostel in our search so we went back and I asked the fellow at the front desk if he'd print the tickets out for me if I paid him too.
He was kind and did it for me for free but I insisted on leaving him a tip anyway.

We went to the grocery store for a few more things and I found this Sticky Toffee Pudding.
As soon as we got back to the apartment I warmed it up in the microwave and gave it a try.
OMG - it was absolutely delicious!!!

We watched Martha Stewart & Snoop Dog's show then it was lights out.

Not a bad total after getting a late start!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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