Monday 30 July 2018

Folkestone and Dover, London 2018 (July 4, 2018)

Well here it is, our last full day in London.
My sister and the rest of the contingent from Canada are taking part in a ceremony in a little town called Folkestone today so we are heading out there to watch it.
It is not far from Dover so we are going to head over there afterwards to see the famous white cliffs.

The roads were so clean this morning you would never suspect that there was a huge street party going on here just last night.

More of those flowers on the buildings that I love.

I wanted to get another shot of this mural that I loved but a full on one where you could see the whole thing.

We headed to the train station to get tickets to Folkestone.
Just look at all the places you can go!

These look just like Lays only they say Walkers.
I wonder if it London's version?

We had time so we grabbed some breakfast to go and I got a piece of this polenta cake with pistachios.
I wasn't super crazy over it but My Honey liked it.

There was plenty of room on the train so we were all able to sit together.

It was nice and relaxing and we got to really enjoy the scenery.

Well some of us anyway.
My brother was out like a light pretty much as soon as we left the station.

I got some oatmeal with bananas and cinnamon.

Looked like there was a fire burning off in the distance.

Still snoozing away.

Just being silly.

I love train rides, they are so comfortable.
It would be so awesome of planes were set up like this too.

I think mom was enjoying it.
She was really looking forward to seeing my sister too.

There were lots of flowers growing along side the train.

It's hard to snap pictures of them while we are moving but I tried.

I had picked up snacks at the store this morning too and it wasn't long before I broke those babies out.

The speed limit signs for the train.

These are all those row houses I was seeing from the plane.

I love how the chimneys look on them.

I don't know for sure but I want to believe living so close to your neighbor's like this makes for a really close knit community.

Pretty soon we were rolling into Folkestone.

As soon as we got off the train, we found a cab and got him to drive us to where the ceremony was taking place.
It was a much bigger town than I was expecting so we wouldn't have been able to walk.
He got us as close as he was able to where he thought it was going on then we asked for directions from some security guards and we found it no problem.

It had already started when we arrived, everyone was all lined up.

Mom and I made our way to the front so we could look for my sister.

I found her right away.

I couldn't really hear what was being said but the jist of it is that Folkestone has a fondness for Canadians and has ever since the war when a lot of Canadian ended up here.
The ceremony was a remembrance of some of those soldiers that were lost and also to celebrate the friendship with Canadians.
That was nice.

There is my sister again.

This big guard around the tree was kind of in my way.
They marched out of there and we followed as best we could to the next spot they were going.

They were quite a ways in front of us by this point.
That is the Memorial Arch.

We had to walk along this fence that ran along the walkway and you could see this lovely beach below.

The fence was covered in these crocheted poppies and I thought it looked so great.

There were all different colors too all along the fence.

So awesome - I think folks really do respect it to which is so touching.

There weren't just crocheted poppies, there were other memorial tokens as well.

It looks like a lovely sandy beach down there.

Looks like there is plenty to do at beach level.

This is how you get down there - so cool.

We finally caught up to them just as they were finishing up.

Finally we get to see my sis for a bit.

We were able to get a few pictures with her.

That is one proud mama right there!

I really like this one of the two of them.

There were some guys in period uniforms and I asked if I could take their pictures which they happily agreed too.

This fellow photo bombed right at the end.
It was super hot out again that day so I figured they would be sweating their butts off but they said it wasn't that bad.

My sister had to go on to another ceremony and she wasn't sure how long it would take so we went to find a place to have some lunch.

Folkestone looks like another little town that I would love to get back to and explore more.

We found a place that had a varied menu so we gave it a try.
The Chambers

The bar was covered in flags.

I especially loved seeing that Canadian flag with the ladies sitting at one of the outside tables.
They must have been at the ceremony as well.

We ordered our food then hung out and waited for it.

Looks like someone hand drew this.
I liked it.

My brother ordered a sheppards pie type dish.
He said it was really good.

Mom ordered the caesar salad which was on special.
It looked really good.

For some reason there was a mix up so My Honey and my orders were missed.
They apologized profusely and sent out orders in to the kitchen again.
They also insisted on refunding our money even though we told them not to worry.

So we had to wait a while but eventually our orders arrived as well.
My Honey had sandwich and I had the chicken caesar salad.
The meals were good.

Mom and I also got sticky toffee pudding for dessert.
I got mine with cream poured over top.

Mom got hers with two scoops of ice cream.

We checked with my sister to see if she could head to Dover with us but she was still tied up so we headed over to the train station.

We got tickets to Dover which was about 3 more stops away.
Note that little yellow guy under the bench.

Here is a close up.
It was a little iron bear attached right to the ground.

Before long we were on the train and heading to Dover.

I was surprised again at how big of a town it was.

Lots of those rows of houses here too.

That purple house sure sticks out doesn't it?
We got off at the train station and I asked if we could walk over to the White Cliffs.
The lady at the counter there said we could but it would be a bit of a jaunt so she suggested we get a cab.
I am so glad we headed her advice.
It would have taken us hours to walk there and to boot, it was all up hill.

I knew we were getting close, I could see them off in the distance.

The cab driver dropped us off and gave us his card so we could call him to come back and pick us up.

It was different than what I imagined in that we couldn't walk down by the beach but it was more beautiful than I could have imagined.

We just started off up the path without really knowing where we were going.

My Honey was bringing up the rear.

We just had to stop and get some pictures with that stunning back drop.
My mom and my brother.

Now I've joined them.

My brother took a couple of shots of My Honey & I with my mom but a piece of his finger was in all of them. 
Ha ha.

Then we were off again.
We were right at the edge of the cliff and it was quite a drop so I was nervous.

I try not to be and it's not me I worry about, it's whoever I happen to be with.
I kept thinking mom would trip or something, so I was anxious to get to the top away from the edge.

We did get to see some of the white of the cliff right beside us on the path.

The views were just spectacular.

Dover selfie!

My Handsome Honey!

When we got to the top of the path we were on, mom was ready for a rest.
I stayed with her and My Honey and brother carried on down another path to explore a bit more.

I was checking out the view and what a view it was.

Mom came over to have a look to and we could see my brother coming out at the path below.

There he is looking at the sign.

Then we watched him walk out to the edge of the cliff where that guy with the back pack is standing in this picture and I think we both kind of held our breaths.
He looked so close to the edge that it was a little hard to watch.

Eventually we saw him walk away and we both let out sighs of relief!

I kept watching for My Honey but I never did see him.

Turns out he walked all the way over to the far cliff that you can see in this picture.

It was a gorgeous place with all these different paths that you could walk on and benchs all over that you could just sit on and enjoy the view.

We were discussing why the cliffs were white on the way over and My Honey said that they were probably made out of chalk.
Then I saw this carved into the fence.

Turns out he was right, again!

I know there are a lot of pictures of the cliffs here but it was just so amazing.

We started heading back but we stopped a few times along the way for mom to rest.
The paths were uneven and rocky so I think that made it a bit more difficult to walk.

I took the opportunity to take another selfie.
Can never have enough of those.

I was trying to get a nice shot of the flowers with the cliffs and water in the background but it didn't turn out as nice as I'd hoped.

There is quite a big shipyard right there in Dover.

It was busy too, ships were coming and going the whole time we were there.

It was a beautiful sunny day, we really lucked out with the weather while we've been here.

Heading back out to the entrance, you could see this castle off in the distance.

I just love that there are random castles every where in Europe.
How awesome is that?

Just about back at the entrance.

There was a little gift shop and cafe at the entrance so mom & I got drinks and waited at the outdoor seating area for the boys.

I overheard one of the workers saying that they'd had reports that someone had fallen and my heart skipped a beat.
He then completed the sentence with "asleep" so I felt some relief but honestly, I was still a little anxious until both the boys were back safe & sound with us.
I most certainly could never bring a little one here, I would be super stressed the whole time.

There is a ferry that runs from here over to France and My Honey and I decided that if we ever have the opportunity to go back there again that we will take the ferry over.

Somehow I lost the card the taxi driver had given me so we had to look up a number for one.
I was expecting a big ordeal but one showed up in no time.

Until next time!

We headed back to the train station and by then we'd heard from my sister.
She was going to meet us at the train station and hop on to ride the rest of the way back to London with us.

Outside the train station.

So long Dover, I am sure we will be back.

When we stopped at the Folkestone station, My Honey and my brother both popped their heads out so my sister could see us and she hopped on and joined us no problem.

Of course she has a couple days off in a row now that we are leaving but at least we get to spend our last night here with her.

My brother the photobomber.

When we made it back to London, my mom wanted to do some souvenir shopping so we got a cab over to Piccadilly Circle.
I went in with her to help her pick something out for everyone.
She had something specific in mind for the kids but we couldn't find whatever that was.
It took us awhile to get something for everyone and it was super hot in the store we were in so I was very thankful when we finished up.

I wanted to take my sister for supper for her birthday so we decide to go to the Mug House for our last meal here in London.
They seated us in one of those cozy little rooms which was neat, very private.

My sister said she wasn't feeling very well though and ended up leaving to head back to the apartment.
The rest of us stayed to have some supper.

Finally that gorgeous smile of mom's that I'm always trying to capture in a picture is back!

They had some great options for Mains on their menu.

My Honey had the King prawn and crab linguine with tomato, chilli and garlic and he really liked it.

I had the roast cod with caper and parsley mash, rosemary and lemon caper butter.
It was absolutely delicious.
It was the capers that caught my eye and I am so glad I ordered it, it was fabulous.

My Honey had the Treacle Tart with clotted cream for a dessert and I was stuffed but still ordered sticky toffee pudding to go.

We headed back to the apartment and my sister was feeling better.
We cleaned up and packed up in preparation for our departure tomorrow.
We watched 8 out of 10 Cats for the last time together and lamented about how much we are going to miss it when we get home.
It's been a great trip and I was so glad we got to share the adventure with my mom and my brother.

Another good day for stepping.

That is all, until next time, be happy!

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