Monday 30 July 2018

Finally, Home Sweet Home! (July 6, 2018)

I woke up around 9:30 and got my computer out so I could finish up the timesheets for work.
I wanted to get everything done before lunch and I knew I wasn't going to make it back to the office before then.

I got it all done and just chilled in the comfy bed and watched some tv.

He is a strawberry lipchap addict.
When my brother got up, we got ready and checked out.
We all felt much better after a good sleep but we wanted to get home too.

My brother said the pull out sofa bed was very comfortable so kudos to Four Points for having the most awesome sleeping vessels ever!

My Honey and I had breakfast from Timmie's and

 I had a chocolate chip iced cappucino of course.

Their breakfast bagel belts are cheap and delicious.

My brother opted to have A&W.
Once we got our breakfast/lunch eaten, we headed to Spruce Grove.

We stopped at Walmart so I could get some groceries.
I somehow managed to spend over 300 dollars but we are set for groceries for awhile.
I knew we were going home to an empty fridge because I cleaned it out pretty good before we left.

We got on the road and stopped in Barrhead so My Honey could pick up his truck.
He'd left it there on our way to the city for the trip because it needed a new muffler.

That meant that I had to drive the rest of the way home but I still had my brother for company.
We talked about the trip and he had a good time which I was happy about.
I told him he should start saving so he could come along on our Australia trip next year.

The canola is in full bloom.
The fields of yellow are so stunning to see this time of year.

When we got back to town I dropped him off at home.
My son was out mowing the lawn so I got to see him and give him the t-shirt I'd picked up for him.
Then I headed for home.

I hauled all the groceries in and then our luggage and My Honey pulled in just as I was getting the last of the luggage in the door.

He helped me put stuff away then I basically just vegged the rest of the day.
It was a gorgeous day out but I was tired.

We watched some Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives and tossed around ideas for our next trip.
Nothing concrete but it's nice to dream and discuss.
Professor Snuggles was happy to see us.
Paddington gave us the cold shoulder for awhile but before long he was up in our laps getting all cuddled up.

I'd picked up a burger at A&W in Barrhead on the way home so that is what I had for supper.

My Honey had picked up chicken at A&W and that is what he had.

He was trying to share with Professor Snuggles but I am not sure how interested he was in trying it.

I saw this new flavor while we were in Walmart so I had to pick them up to try.
They did taste weirdly like steak - it was kind of strange and good all at the same time.
I worked on getting all my pictures off my phone this afternoon as well.
I want to get working on getting my blogging caught up right away this time so I don't fall as far behind as I did after Portland.

My Honey had to work in the morning so he was in bed by 9 pm but I opted to have a nice long bubble bath and relax.
While I was in there, I finally posted some pictures of our trip on Facebook.
I hadn't posted any so far and I like it when the memories pop up.

I stayed in the tub for a super long time because it just felt so nice so it was midnight when I finally hit the hay.
Once I did I was out like a light.

I am so thankful that I don't have to rush back to work and I have the rest of the weekend to myself.

I spent a lot of time on my phone on the drive home so found all kinds of words of wisdom.

So true, the journey is just as important as the destination.

Alberta has the biggest mosquitos that I have ever seen this year.

I want to be this Aunt too and this Nanny.
I am looking forward to doing all kinds of fun stuff like this for baby girl when she arrives.

This made me giggle because it's so true, right.
We ask people to watch our stuff all the time but what are we really asking them to do?
Kind of funny!

Didn't quite make that 10,000 mark today 😞😞

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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