Sunday 29 July 2018

Westminster Abbey, London 2018 (July 3, 2018)

We had plans to go over and check out Westminster Abbey today.
We got out a little later than we'd planned and we decided to take a quick walk through Borough Market first.

They had these giant gooseberries.
We would pick them wild at my grandmothers in PEI and my mom & Auntie's loved them.
They were much smaller and they were so sour that they just weren't my thing but I didn't mind picking them.

I've never seen red ones before, only the green ones.

We decided that my mom, brother & sister just had to try the best doughnuts in the world so we went over there and got one of each kind.
We got to try different ones than we had on the two previous occasions that we've had them now so that was good.

I think they were liked all around.

My sister is a big Bridget Jones fan so I had to take her and show her Bridget Jones apartment.

Then we headed to the Underground.

Waiting for the train to arrive.

It was both my mother and my brothers first time on the Underground.
Luckily we were able to find a place for mom to sit.

The rest had to stand though.

We had hoped to get here first thing in the morning to avoid the line up but that didn't happen and even though we were only an hour later than we'd wanted to be, there was already quite a line accumulated.

We really wanted to see it inside though so we sucked it up and got in the line to wait.

Mom was a trooper too and was ok with getting in that huge line.

My brother.

My gorgeous sister.
I was glad we were able to do a bit of sight seeing with her.

The line wasn't moving very fast.

This building is just so amazing.

I can't get over it.

The detail in one of the doorways is just mind boggling.

It really is a spectacular thing to see in real life and up close.

We rounded the last corner, shouldn't be long now.

Love the little creatures.

We finally made it inside and of course, no pictures.
The amount of extravagance on display inside there was just ridiculous.
There are lots of famous folks buried inside including Stephen Hawkings who was laid to rest here just last week.

We were respectful and didn't take any pictures but it's hard to believe the amount of people who ignored that rule.

We looked at everything and it was pretty amazing.
Got to see the alter where Prince Charles and Lady Di were married and the sideways pews you see all the time.

We all kind of broke up and went our separate ways inside except mom & I, I stayed with her the whole time.

We met back up on the outside and I think we were all really glad that we stuck out the line up and went in to see it.
Next stop, gift shop.
I got a magnet as a souvenir.

Even the outdoor hallway to the gift shop was gorgeous.

From there we split up again.
My brother wanted to go to check out Greenwich clock so he headed over there.
We headed over to the London Eye area as mom and my sister were going to go on that.

I wanted to check out Shrek's Adventure so we went there.
We got some tickets but we had some time before it started so we looked for a place to get something to eat.

We walked along the river front and came to this place selling burgers and fries.

My Honey placed our orders.

I had a great outdoor seating area.

We each had a burger.
They were pretty good burgers.

I had the house fries.
They just had this sauce on them that was quite tasty actually.

My Honey had the Angry fries which were basically the house fries with hot sauce added.
They were also good.

We went back and met my mom & sister after they finished their ride on the London Eye.
Mom was tired so her & my sister headed back to the apartment.

My Honey and I headed to the Shrek Adventure.

I am sorry to say  that it was pretty lame.
There were all these people dressed up like different Shrek character's and they acted out little scenes then would lead you to another character for another part of the adventure.
There was one point where we got on a bus and watched a 4D movie and that was pretty cool but it was only a couple minutes long then it was back to the lame adventure.

The prize at the very end was that you got to meet Shrek.

He came out and you could take a picture with him if you wanted.
I just took his picture and then we left.
I don't even think the kids that were there enjoyed it that much and I felt very disappointed afterwards that we'd spent so much money to do it.

Not sure why Panda was there but he was.

Next we did the London Dungeon Tour which was more up My Honey's alley.
It was much better than Shrek's adventure.

Again we were not allowed to take pictures inside so I have nothing to show from it.

Basically you went through and met up with different characters but this time they were characters from different times in London's history.

There was a prostitute from Jack the Ripper days, a sister of Sweeney Todd's girlfriend, a woman from the Great Fire and a Doctor from the plague days.
That was just a few of them, there were several others.
It was like an interesting way to learn about London's history.

There were two rides but when we got to the first one, all the lights in the place suddenly came on because they were experiencing issues with the ride.
We waited for a bit for them to get it sorted but they never did so eventually they just took us to the next section of the tour and we carried on.
There was another ride right at the very end that was a free fall kind of ride and you could opt not to do it which I did.
I don't really enjoy that sensation of free falling.
My Honey did it though and he said it wasn't that bad.

From there we headed back to the room.
My sister had to head back to meet her curfew and my mom & brother had already eaten so My Honey & I went looking for a spot for supper.

We were walking up the street and this super drunk girl was walking on the sidewalk heading toward us.
She was stumbling and she had a shorter skirt.
She kind of fell/sat on the edge of the curb with her legs spread wide open just as we were walking by her and started peeing just right there.
I was shocked, I just couldn't believe she'd done that.
She was talking on her phone the whole time and didn't miss a beat.
I was completely stunned.
I've been drunk before but don't think I would ever pull something like that.
It was in broad daylight and it wasn't like we were the only ones about, there were people everywhere.

We carried on to the restaurant My Honey had found, Mango Indian.
It was kind of an upscale Indian place.
The restaurant was empty except for two men at a table together and of all the empty places, they chose to sit us at the table directly next to them against the window so we had to kind of squeeze into our spot.
The tables were really close together and they were talking very loudly so that kind of annoyed me.

They did have cool light fixtures in the place.

My Honey ordered the papadum with chutney's.
The papadum reminded me of munchos chips just not as salty.

These were some of the menu options.

I think it was the Makhani Murgh that I ordered along with the cashew rice.

I really liked it but it had a lot of heat that built up over time until it got to the point that I couldn't eat it any longer.

I am not sure which dish this was that My Honey ordered but he really liked it.

The naan was really good.

I was hoping they would have that milky dessert that we had the other day but they didn't so we went with Gulub Jamon.

It wasn't what I was expecting but it was ok.

I took the picture of the place when we left, the empty seats right by the window there was where we sat.

It was a gorgeous night and England had just won the soccer game so celebrations were in full swing.

Everyone was happy and singing, you could just feel the excitement in the air.
Everyone was happily greeting everyone they came upon.
There was a real sense of comradery in the air.

The street in front of our apartment was full of people celebrating.

They had the whole street blocked off.

It was jam packed and they were all singing and having a great time.

Crowd control was there too but nothing bad was going on so they just let the partying carry on.

When I started seeing folks climbing up on things I decided it was time to head in before I witnessed someone being foolish and hurting themselves.

We could here the celebrations well into the night but I didn't mind, I kind of liked it in fact.

We watched our usual episode of 8 Out of 10 Cats before calling it a night.

My boy and his honey went camping over the weekend with her family and they posted some pictures.

They are having lovely weather back home too.

Another one from the maternity shoot - this one is really cute.

Her little sister joined them in this one.
It's nice that their baby is going to have a little buddy like Miss Z as soon as she arrives.

Another great day of stepping under my belt.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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