Sunday 29 July 2018

Canada Day Abroad, London 2018 (July 1, 2018)

We all slept in this morning as we had a pretty full day yesterday.
Mom actually wanted to rest today so her plans were to chill in the apartment for the day and not do much of anything.
My brother had a few things he wanted to go see so we parted ways with home and My Honey & I set out on an adventure of our own.
We decided to hit up Camden Market and the surrounding area.

We found this little spot when we came out of the Underground station that had an interesting menu so first things first, we needed to get some grub.
Chez Bob

The decor was eclectic.

Looking forward to a day of discovery.

I like the decor in the place, it was interesting and quirky.
That wallpaper was neat but I never would have put it with the floors.

The floors were cool though, I loved them!

My Honey had an eggs benny kind of dish.

I had steak and fries - it was just about lunch time after all!
It was good.
They had no sticky toffee pudding so we skipped dessert hoping we'd find it somewhere else.

It was a cute area to walk around

Lots of flowers everywhere.

Not sure if those are real flowers around that doorway - no matter, it looks so gorgeous.

Some really nice homes too.
I love the flower boxes on all the windows.

We started walking toward Camden Market and came across a bakery where we got a danish.
It looked good but it was stale and tough so we ended up chucking it.

London has some pretty awesome murals.

This was interesting.

Camden Market.

There were some really cool things to see there.
Like these robot statues flanking this doorway.
They looked just awesome.

I was looking through My Honey's pictures and noticed this girl who appears to be leaving in her bra & panties, we aren't sure why.
He didn't even notice it at the time when he was taking the picture, she was kind of a photo bomb.

You could rent a lawn chair and just hang out and watch the soccer game.

Lots of people were too.
It was just crammed with people in there.

Lots of different food vendors.

Deadpool outside a comic book store.

Another awesome statue.

A fantastic mural of Prince.

It was just a funky cool place.

We walked through and checked it all out.

There were so many people about that we didn't get any food, just kind of made our way through to have a look.

It ran along side a canal - I didn't even realize something like this existed in London last time we were here.
It looks like what I imagine Venice looks like but there was a lot of construction going on so places were closed.

We just continued to wander and came out kind of on the other side of the market and the streets were just as crammed with people.

Love that Monopoly mural.

Seriously, so many people.
I think everyone in London was hanging out here today.

There were street performers, like this punk rocker.
He wasn't actually playing any music, he was just acting the part.

Some of the shoe stores had these awesome giant shoes on their store fronts.

I thought they looked so cool.

Other stores had giant displays as well, like this spot that I assume does piercings.

Check out these funky shoes.

Mainly it was a lot of touristy stuff which we weren't really interested in.

There was a guy dressed up like the Mad Hatter in front of this place but people kept getting in front of him when I was trying to take his picture.

I did manage to get this bit of side view.
He had a whole tea party set up there.

More giant shoes.

Even a giant boot.

We happened upon a place that had sticky toffee pudding on their menu so we went in to have some.

I love the look of these pubs and it had a lovely outdoor seating area.

We went up to the bar to order.

We opted to sit inside.

They had fresh wild flowers at the tables and it looked so pretty.

We ordered our desserts and they had these sausage rolls on the counter so we tried one.
It wasn't very good.

My Honey ordered the lemon posset and it arrived adorned with edible flowers.
So pretty and it was delicious as well.

I had my sticky toffee pudding that I'd been wanting and it was so worth it!
I had a glass of cold lemonade there too but it had that weird sewer taste that thai food sometimes has so I couldn't drink it.
It was unfortunate too because it was full of ice which strangely seems to be an uncommon occurence here.

After we ate, we headed back to the underground station and we saw some more cool displays along the way.
I love the winged shoe.

I also love how they have Scorpion made on this sign - it looks awesome.

Biggest Vans I've ever seen.

On hindsight, I wish I'd gone in and had a look at the clothes they were selling here.
I wouldn't have bought any but I bet there were some mighty interesting things in there!

We hopped back on the Underground at the Chalk Arm station.
There are some really fun station names!

I am still amazed every time with how long the escalators are.

This is looking back down, look how far that is.

We got off near Harrods because we wanted to check it out and the station we got off at happened to be right next to it.

It is a gigantic place so I guess that isn't so unusual.

It was spectacular in there.

Just look at the ceiling - amazing.

So fancy.

There were fresh flowers and they were so beautiful.

I think perhaps this is an orchid, I've never seen anything like it before, stunning!

The arrangements they had on display were gorgeous.

The flowers were so fresh looking.

Another stunner.

They had these chocolate fruit that looked so realistic.

So amazing although I'm not sure who would want to eat that much marzipan?

The cherries looked like real cherries.

There were meat pies.


More gorgeous flower displays.

The bakery section

Fabulous cakes.

The decor was just over the top.

Look at those ceilings.

and those light fixtures were cool

I thought their uniforms were cute, especially liked the hats.

I was surprised with how busy it was too.

One escalator area was decorated in this Egyptian theme which was neat.

They didn't miss a detail.

Even the ceilings out here were amazing.
We walked around there for a bit and checked it out.
We left empty handed but I am so glad we checked it out.
We left there and decided to go over to the Shore Ditch area.

We got off at a different stop just because of the Underground line we were on.
It didn't look like much of a walk on the map but when we got off, we walked and walked for what felt like forever.

We did see some cool artwork along the way.

I love this mural of the girl in behind the rack there.

There is so much more street art here in the east end.
My feet were starting to get sore and tingly and the area we were walking in was looking less and less like where we were heading so we finally googled it.
It looked like it wasn't so far away so we started following the directions.
It didn't seem like we were getting any closer though then we realized the directions were for if you were driving.
So frustrating.
It's nice to walk and see things but it was starting to feel like overkill today.
I was tired and my feet were sore and I was starting to feel cranky.
Hard to believe I know but alas it is true!

We thought we would head for an Underground station and then we happened upon Brick Lane.

Everything was closing up by this time of day.

More awesome murals.

It reminded me of the East End Food Tour we took last time we were here that I enjoyed so much.
We even walked right through this courtyard last time.

Looks like there are even more murals than before.

We found a few places that were still open and decided to try this one.

Absurd Bird.

They had a funky menu and most of their dishes included chicken, which was just fine with me.

It was a cool place inside.

I liked this super long bench - I'm always looking for ideas for our place when we finally open it.

These bird cage light fixtures were a great idea.

This binocular light fixture was such a creative idea, I've never seen anything like it before.

I was totally feeling those Fried Pickles so we ordered them for a starter.

They were spears and they were really good.

That chicken chrunchy soul bowl sounded amazing to me so that's what I ordered.

It had all kinds of goodies in it and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

My Honey ordered the Nashville Hot.

It was huge and he liked it.
Our whole meal was so delicious.
I wasn't quite ready to get back on my feet so we ordered some dessert.

It was these fresh brioche buns in a pan.

They came with three dipping sauces, chocolate, caramel and a english cream which was soooo good.
It looked awesome and I think it is a great idea for a dessert however, the bread was stale and tough so it was kind of disappointing.
Oh well, at least that dipping sauce tasted good.

We left there finally and although we likely could have walked back to the apartment in about 20 minutes, my feet weren't up for it so we googled directions to the nearest Underground station.

We saw this random statue on the way of this knight on a horse.
I'm not sure of the significance but who cares, it was awesome.
We got off at the London Bridge station, walked over to the Tesco which seems to be our nightly ritual for supplies then headed back to the room.
My brother arrived back there just after us with supper for he and my mom.
She enjoyed her day of rest and is ready to go again tomorrow.

My feet were so SORE and the rash I get sometimes was flared up pretty good.
I had a bath hoping it would help some.
It did.
Afterwards we watched some more 8 Out of 10 Cats before calling it a night.

In celebration of Canada Day, my sisters group over at the Tower of London posted this group shot today.
Love seeing that Canadian Pride!

This just made me giggle.
FYI - the answer is totally YES!

This total helps explain why my feet were so sore today!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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