Sunday, 20 January 2019

Tree is Up & Decorated! (Dec.13, 2018)

My Honey was planning on heading out to visit his folks for a few days this morning.
I told him he wasn't allowed to leave though until I came home for lunch to say good bye to him so he waited for me.
I would have loved to go but I only have two days off where if he goes without me he is able to visit for a few days longer so it didn't make sense for me to go this time.

I finally got my month end reports finished and sent out at work and it felt so good to get them done.
It's been so busy that I just couldn't get to them so I put everything else aside to just focus on them today.  I'm glad I did!
The Christmas treats continue to trickle in at the office.

I love when we get baskets like this because it's so fun to open them up and see what is all inside.

After work, my plan was to work on getting the Christmas tree decorated.
I worked on it slowly while I watched a couple of movies.

First I watched Angels Sing.
I saw it a few years ago but I'd forgotten how much I liked it.
It's a really good movie.

Then I watched Love the Coopers.
Again, I'd forgotten how much I liked it.

It took me all night but I did get the tree finished.
Now I can sit here in the evening with only the Christmas lights on and enjoy it.

Paddington is really enjoying the lights too.

Both cats were a little interested in the ornaments hanging at the bottom of the tree, batting them around a little.
I have my trusty water bottle on hand though, ready to spray them if they get out of line.

For the most part, Paddington just laid under the tree and kind of looked up into it.

I stayed up a bit late but it was worth it to get it done.
It turned out to be a beautifully shaped tree and I love it.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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