Saturday 19 January 2019

Another Christmas Party. (Dec.7, 2018)

SG, BH and I were heading in to St Albert for our Admin Christmas lunch and gift exchange.
I had to do a couple of things before we left but we were on the road by 7:30.

We stopped in Westlock at Timmie's for coffee and breakfast then were back on the road.

I had a Bagel Belt as usual.

These girls are used to all my picture taking by now and just pose when I get the camera out.

We were due at the office at noon but got to St Albert around 10ish so we made stops at Costco and Lowes before heading to the office.

I had to quickly run and find a computer to get payroll finished up first.

Then I joined everyone in the conference room.

CC works in the St Albert office - she's a very sweet lady and I enjoy chatting with her.

They ordered in Ukranian for us for lunch.
Sausages, salad, perogy's and cabbage rolls.
It was quite good.
There was lots of leftovers and they had to go containers so I made up a container to take home for My Honey.

We played a safety bingo that CC made up.
Each square had a little safety logo or saying on it and as she was pulling them from the bag, it seemed like nobody had any of the ones she was reading.
It was kind of funny.

We also watched a safety video on how closing your bedroom door can save your life in a fire.
It was very eye opening for me.
We sleep with our door closed anyway but I will definitely be passing that information along to my family.

Next it was time to get into the gift exchange.

We all started with our own gift in front of us then BB read a story.

It had lots of Rights and lefts in it and each time she said either, we had to move the gifts accordingly.

It was fun.
It's really fun to get to spend time with our colleagues in St. Albert a few times a year.

I ended up getting a tea set that I will likely never use but I still enjoyed it.

Afterwards, I had a couple more things to do on the computer quickly then we hit the road.
We stopped at the St Albert mall and SG's hubby and son met her there.
So it was just BH & I from there on out.

We made a few more stops then were on the road heading back home.

BH is super prepared for my picture taking now.

We stopped at McDonald's in Westlock for some supper then we stopped in to check out Giant Tiger.
BH had never been there before.
We found a few good deals in there so it was worth the stop.

Even though we had her vehicle, I did the driving as she doesn't like driving that much.
I don't mind so it worked out well.

I thought we were actually going to get home early but it was just after 9 pm when I pulled in the driveway.
My Honey helped me bring in all my goodies.
Then pretty much we headed to bed.

Miss H posted the pictures the photographer took from last night.
She had a slightly better angle than what I did.

She did a good job - I think the pictures came out nice.

Another throw back from NYC they year my sister met up with us there.

We got to keep some humor about things right?

This is My Honey (except for the purse part), he is a total chapstick addict.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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