Friday, 18 January 2019

The Christmas Decorating Has Begun! (Nov.29, 2018)

We've been having nice mild temperatures for this time and I just love it!
My Honey still got up and started the truck for me even though he is off today - what a keeper he is!!!

Work was the usual this morning.
I feel like the last couple of weeks I've been playing catch up and finally I feel on top of things again!

Coffee Break was good - My Honey asked if BN was getting any work done or fuggin' around so I sent him proof that it was the latter.
Threw in one of JRA doing the same just for good measure.

I had left over chicken for lunch and I also picked up a BLT on a croissant.
It was pretty good.
Back at home, the kitties were on guard duty protecting us from all the birds outside.

The tree in our yard still has berries on it so it is a very popular bird hangout and it makes for exciting entertainment for the kitties.

Pooped after all that guarding.

I had a long meeting in the afternoon which made the afternoon just fly by and before I knew it, it was time to go home.
My Honey & I took a trip down to the store for groceries and glue then used the glue to get a tree stand onto one of my trees.
They are all put together now they just need the accessories.
I still had to put buttons on them.

I fiddled around trying to figure out what color buttons for each one and where I wanted them.

This is the fun part to me, dolling them up.
I finally decided where I wanted the buttons to go and got them glued on.
All ready and just waiting for stands.
I like how it turned out and I'm happy that it can stand by itself.
My Honey is going to finish up the rest of them for me tomorrow - he needs to get out to his saw to cut the stand pieces and it's too dark out there for that right now.
Not important enough for him to lose a finger over!
After we got that put together and drying, we cleaned up then got ready for Christmas decorating.
We took a bunch of décor downstairs then brought the boxes of Christmas stuff up.
Look at all those boxes and they aren't even all upstairs yet.
I Christmased up my window pane.
We got a few garlands up and I felt like that was a good start.
I'll pick away at it over the next couple days.
My Honey made us some supper while I was decorating - it was so good.

A few people on Facebook have been mentioning a new Netflix Christmas movie and giving it good reviews so we sat down to watch it together.
The Christmas Chronicles.
I figured My Honey would like it because he is a Kurt Russel fan.
Kurt plays Santa in the movie and he does a great job.

I watch a lot of Christmas movies but rarely do I see one that I think is destined to be a favorite for years to come but I think this may be one of those!

After the movie, I got a few more little things put up then I headed off to bed.
I've really fallen WAY WAY off the healthy eating wagon and part of me feels guilty about it and wants to hop back on but the other half feeling like "oh well, Christmas is just about here, might as well enjoy it then get back at it later".

That second half has been winning the battle recently.
In spite of that, I believe that I am going to get this thing beat one of these days, I know I can and I will.
The fact that I find this humorous might give away my age a bit.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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