Saturday 5 January 2019

San Diego Trip Day Three (Nov.16, 2018)

The first thing we planned on doing this morning was the Hop On Hop Off Trolley tour of San Diego.

We were up early and walked to one of the Trolley Tour stops which luckily wasn't that far from our hotel.

We had about a half hour to wait so we went to a nearby Starbucks for a coffee.
They happened to have these almond croissants which I adore so I grabbed one for the road.

Ready to see the sights in San Diego.

I really like these signs they have over the streets in the different areas.

Going over the bridge to Coronado.

The water looks so nice and calm.
Wouldn't mind having one of those yachts out there in the water for a day or two.

There were some cute places, I like the beachy look.

I couldn't get over how bright green the grass was.

This is Orange Street, the main street in Coronado.
The center meridian used to be full of orange trees which is how it got it's name, but bunny rabbits ending up eating them up and destroying them.
So the orange trees are all gone but the name remains.

Not too shabby of a place.

Punch buggy game is going strong - there are a ton of them here in San Diego.

I wanted to get back to spend some time on the beach but we never made it.

What a beautiful place this island is.

It was filled with beautiful homes.

Hotel Del Coronado.
This was at one time the biggest wooden building in all of the US.
It's a hotel and it's still running.
How cool is that?
I'd actually like to come back some time and actually stay here.

Punch buggy red!!!

Leaving Coronado and heading back for San Diego.

These scooters are every where in San Diego.
You rent them through an app on your phone.
You just pick one up wherever you find one then leave it when you get where you are going.
I downloaded the app but when it came down to it, I wasn't brave enough to give it a try.

Next we went to Balboa Park.
It was really beautiful.

It had some really ornate structures.

I think this was a museum, we didn't get off at the stop to check things out further.

Another beautiful structure.

I've never seen palm trees like this before with all the dead branches kind of hanging off up the trunk.
I like them better when they keep them trimmed up.

San Diego is really hilly like San Francisco.

There weren't very many of us on the shuttle.
The driver was really good and funny.

When we got to the Little Italy stop, we hopped off.

There was a nice fountain in the plaza area.

This was just screaming photo op.

He looks so little up there.

I needed to use the facilities so we found a little bakery that was open.

They had so many goodies to choose from.
(Whenever I use the facilities somewhere, I always make sure to buy something there as well).

The lemon tarts looked so good.

Of course we had to get one and it was yummy.

I got a tuile cookie which was also very good.

I also took care of business. 😉

Then we just explored around some more.
There was so much to see.

Wonder if people cool off in here on the really hot days?

We found a little spot to have some lunch.

When we went inside to get seated, I saw this light fixture.
I thought it was really cool how all the light coils were different shapes.

Silly grin.


They brought us this bread to start and OMG, it was divine.

They served it with this tomato sauce that I just couldn't get enough of.
You could tell it was freshly made. I swear I could have drank the stuff right out of the bowl.

We shared some calamari.
It was also super good.

I had this dish of little lobster pouches with asparagus and a cream sauce and I loved it.

My Honey had the black linguine with seafood and he really loved his as well.
It was a wonderful meal and we thoroughly enjoyed it.

Across the street from where we were eating was this wall full of succulents.
I loved it.

It was in front of a store and they had this cart full of them as well.
We shopped around the little stores near by for a bit after we ate then we hopped back on the trolley tour.

One thing about the airport being right in the middle of the city is that when the planes are coming in for a landing, it feels like they are super close, I guess because they are.

The famous singing scene in Top Gun was filmed here at Kansas City BBQ.

Just some random art.

Wonder what it looks like with all the sails out?

We hopped off the Trolley at the Seaport and hopped onto the SEAL.

It's a huge military city and there was some kind of exercise going on today.
Those are all helicopters up there in the sky.

Best I could get for a close up.

Kind of funky trees, I like them.
That's still those helicopters off in the distance.

I remember watching an episode of House Hunters and they were looking for a house boat in Seattle.
Wonder if any of these are house boats?

One thing about a hilly city is that there sure are some lovely views.
Bet the folks at the top of the hill there have a fabulous view.

We had to drive a ways to get to where we went into the water.

It was pretty cool, we just drove right on in.

I just love being out on the water, I could gladly do this as my job every day.

Marine Land was off in the distance.

My Honey and I.

Just enjoying the ride.

Great place to be spending a Friday afternoon.

The tour guide offered to take pictures for everyone so we took her up on it.

Mr Pelican.

There were some fishermen out hard at work.

I love when the sun sparkles on the water like this.

We sailed over by a floating bait store.
The sea lions were very busy sunning themselves.

Just look at all that wildlife.

I guess it's a great feasting place for the birds.

I think it looks so funny when they are all just flopped over on top of one another but none of them seem to mind.
It almost looks like this guy is grinning a little.

What a life!

Not a care in the world.

A full shot of the bait barge.

What a fabulous day.

Is he getting ready to go or just having a stretch I wonder?

I think he smells something.
He jumped (more like rolled) into the water after this and we watched him going under and coming back up for quite some time until we lost sight of him.

Another SEAL boat passed us.

The city from down here on the water.

I always think pelicans look so graceful.

There were a ton of them.

Back on land.
It was a great adventure.
We hopped back onto the Trolley Tour to take in the rest of the stops.

The backside of Petco Park.

Just a nice tree.

Best shot I could get of the artwork.

This flowering shrub was pretty.

I just had to take a screen print of my phone because it's not often I see 23०C on the 16th of November.

When we got back to Balboa Park we hopped off so we could walk around and have a look.
There was a Japanese Garden right at the entrance and we were able to look over into it.
It looked like an absolutely gorgeous place.

A close up of the San Diego Museum of Art.

The buildings in around here are just so ornate and beautiful.

I love the shape of the roof on this one.

Just wow.

We stumbled upon this theater and found out that there were live performances of The Grinch going on.

So we went and got some tickets to see the show tonight.

Did you notice The Grinch peeking over the roof?

They had this Dr. Suess"ish" tree so I just had to get a picture with it.

We explored the park some more.
There were some really deep ravines in there.

There was a park there with over 400 species of trees in it.
These are just a couple at the edge that I saw and like.

I really like the shape and fullness of this one.
It even has a big thick trunk which I really like.

We made our way out of the park and searched for a place to have some supper.

As we were crossing over the bridge, My Honey captured this awesome shot.
I call it San Diego Roller Bladers.
He has such a knack for capturing great moments like this.

We came upon a ramen place and we are always up for a good bowl of ramen.

It was a nice place.

I ordered the edamame and it had seaweed on it.
I loved it.

My Honey's choice.

I forget now what we each ordered but straight up, it was the best ramen we have ever had!

Slurping is the correct way to eat it but we haven't mastered that yet.

After the ramen we walked some more in search of a Dessert place and voila, Extraordinary Desserts appeared.

There were so many choices.

Doesn't this cake look fabulous?

Say no more, if it has passionfruit, I'm in.

My Honey opted for this chocolate concoction.

They had pink hot chocolate too so I just had to try it.
It ended up being overly sweet for me but I'm glad I tried it.

They served up the cake with a kiwi and passionfruit sauce.

My Honey's came with a chocolate & caramel sauce.

We got a macaroon to try too just because.

I love this idea of the koi fish all over the fence.

We walked back over to the theater in Balboa Park for the show.

The tree looked great all lit up.

We had great seats especially seeing as we got our tickets so last minute.

The show was a lot of fun - I'm so glad we went.

We looked up directions on how to get back to the hotel and google maps said it was about a 45 minute to hour long walk.
It was so nice out that we decided to go ahead and walk.

We happened upon this doughnut place that I thought I had seen on a You Tube show I'd watched.
They had 

Then we passed a slice shop so we grabbed a slice to take back to the hotel.
My belly was bothering me though so I couldn't eat it.
I had a bit of a sleep then tried again but it was a no go for me on the pizza.

I just took some pepto and called it a night.

All green again - woo hoo!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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