Saturday 19 January 2019

A Celtic Christmas! (Dec.1, 2018)

I woke up early so I left My Honey sleeping and got all showered and packed and ready to go.
By the time I finished, My Honey was getting ready to go himself so we were able to get on the road at a decent hour.
We stopped for snacks and gas in the Fort then continued on our way.
We made a stop at Costco first thing and I got a few things off of my list right away.
They also had the Samsung tablets on sale and I've been thinking of getting a new one so My Honey helped me out and I got one.
BN and JRA were in the city shopping too so after a couple more stops, we met them at Montanna's where they were having lunch.

We didn't eat there, just visited with them although I did notice that they had sticky toffee pudding so I couldn't resist that.

I ordered one and My Honey & I shared.

We left them and went to get some lunch ourselves.
This is a hint.

We of course went for Pho.

It was yummy too.

I also had green onion cakes with fish sauce dip - I love that stuff.

I went online and got us tickets to go see the new Wreck It Ralph movie and it started at 3:45 so we did a bit more shopping before heading over there.
Ralph Breaks the Internet.
It wasn't as good as the first one but rarely are they.

After the movie, we had time to do a little more shopping before heading to our next event at Jubilee Auditorium 

There was lots of snow but thankfully it wasn't too cold.

We had tickets to see Natalie McMaster and family in a concert.

It's a family affair and I was really looking forward to seeing it.

The show started at 8 so we were a bit quite a bit early.
They let us go to our seats not long after 7:30.

We were in the second balcony but right in the center of the second row and the seat ahead of us was empty so we had a pretty good view.

I would have loved to be closer but there weren't that many options left when I bought the tickets.
The show was really great, lots of toe tapping going on.

It was fiddling, mainly Christmas tunes but some other stuff too.

It was Natalie and her husband, Donnel Lahey.
They have been together for 25 years, married for 16 of those and they have 7 children, the youngest being just 7 months old.
Five of their children also performed in the show tonight.
They all play the violin (fiddle), they also step dance.
The oldest girl also played the piano and the oldest boy played the accordion.
A very musically talented family.

We really enjoyed it.

I also learner the difference between a violin and a fiddle.
The violin is the instrument I've always known it to be and a fiddle is any stringed instrument that is played with a bow.
Cool - I never really did understand what the difference was.
So a violin is also a fiddle but a fiddle is not necessarily always a violin!

After the show we looked for a place to grab a bite.
We found Royal Pizza and the website said they were open until 1 am.

We walked in to the restaurant which had a bunch of tables filled with customers and we were looking for a place to sit when one of the staff came over and told us they were closed.
He wasn't very nice or apologetic either.
I told him their website said 1 am and he said they were working on it.

How hard is it to change the time that you close on a website?
Anyway - he wasn't overly rude or anything but it left a bad taste in my mouth and we won't ever go back.

Then I found another place that said it was open until 3 am.
Steel Wheels.
It took us two tries to find it but when we finally did, it was closed too.
At that point, we decided to give up.

We figured we'd just go back to the hotel and order in a pizza so that is exactly what we did.
We got pizza and wings from Pizza 73.
It wasn't the best but it was good enough.

I got my new tablet charging - I can't wait to try it out!
It was a really nice day.

Some people just come up with the best ideas!

Ha ha ha - good old Ikea!

Kids have it so easy these days. 😜

This looks like something I'd like to try.
I love Tanksgoodnews on instagram - kudos for trying to bring positivity to the world through social media.
Just goes to show that there is always good to be found if you only look for it.

So funny!!!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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