Saturday 12 January 2019

So Long San Diego, It's Been Swell! (Nov.19, 2018)

Well our time in sunny San Diego unfortunately had to come to an end sometime and today is the day.
Our flight was scheduled to leave at 10 am and since the airport is so nice and close here we didn't have to get up super early so that was nice.

We dropped off the car rental and were at the airport by just after 8 am.
Check in was a breeze - there was a bit of a line but it went through really quickly.

So once we were through, we had plenty of time to get some breakfast.
We were looking for a sit down spot and this lady at the information booth told us there were four to choose from.
One was a BBQ place and she said that they had a duck hash that was really good so that is where we went.
It was at the total other end of the airport from where our gate was but we had time.

When we got there, it ended up just being a fast food place and no duck hash so either she got the placed mixed up or we did.
We ate there anyway.

I got the California breakfast burrito - the California burrito is a thing here in San Diego, they put fries in it and it was one of the things we'd wanted to try but didn't so I gave it a go.
It did have the fries in it and it was loaded full of pork.
It was pretty good but I couldn't finish it.

My Honey had the beef tips sandwich.
It had a ton of meat on it too - it was good but really saucy, probably should have got the sauce on the side.

Our flight departed right on time.

I sat by the window this leg of the trip, My Honey will get to for the next leg.

It was a super quick flight - I think we spend more time taxi-ing on the tarmac then we did in the actual air.

There is a lot of traffic at this airport, we saw several planes arrive and several take off before it was our turn.

A few last shots of San Diego.

It's been fun San Diego.

A lost shot of the bay.
I'll miss you!

I think I 7saw the Hollywood sign when we arrived in Los Angeles.

The air was really bad there - smoke filled from all the fires burning I am sure.
What a difference from San Diego.

We had a long lay over in Los Angeles so we settled in.
The terminal we were in was pretty small so not a lot to check out.
We played some games, did crossword puzzles on the computer.

Later we got some lunch.

There weren't many choices so we went with this place.
Jersey Mikes
They had cold subs and hot subs.
We had the hot ones.

I had a Jersey philli cheesesteak and so did My Honey only he had the delux version that had mushrooms and jalapenos added.
They were really good sandwiches.

Finally 4:30 rolled around and it was time to board.
It was close to 5 when we finally got in the air and were on our way.

It was a pretty smooth ride - a few little bumps but nothing too terrible.

I ended up watching a movie on the WestJet site - Little Italy.
It was a good way to pass some time.

I played my iPad too then next thing you know, we were home.

Good old Edmonton.

We got our luggage and were out catching the JetSet bus by 9:10 pm.
The weather was really mild here in Edmonton which was nice - no sunny San Diego by any means but it wasn't winter either so that was awesome.

We stopped at Tim Horton's to get coffees for the road then we stopped at Walmart in Spruce Grove.
We needed a few things like kitty litter and containers for my mom.

Then we hit the road for home.
Thankfully the roads were clear and there weren't many animals out and about that we saw.
I must admit that I kept dozing off for the last hour or so as much as I tried not to so I wasn't the best animal look out.

I perused Social Media on the drive home.
Little Miss Z started skating lessons today and her big sister Miss H was there to help.
She used to be a figure skater herself so it was right up her alley.


It was close to 2 am when we did get home safe & sound and I was so looking forward to my bed.

We got the truck unloaded, put the few perishables away then I headed straight to bed.
It's so nice to get into my own bed after being away.
I think I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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