Wednesday 23 January 2019

Christmas Eve (Dec.24, 2018)

I slept in until around 9 am this morning which was nice.
When I got up, Mom and I watched Home Alone.
I always forget how much I like that movie until I watch it again.

After that, she wanted to go send some Christmas cards off to family so I got my dad's parcel ready to go and we went to the post office to mail them off.
He won't get his parcel in time, but at least it's on its way.

We stopped at the store too so mom could grab a few last minute items.
The Christmas chocolate was all on sale for 50% off so we got a few more things even though we most certainly didn't need them.

When we got back to the house,  Mom went down to finish up wrapping and I got to doing some wrapping of my own.
I had mom's gifts that I needed to wrap and I was able to get those all done.

My Honey is working today and he sent me this picture of a fruit tray they got.
He says they should just quit putting honeydew and cantaloupe in them because nobody eats the stuff.
He's kind of right, it usually is what is left behind.

My brother said Miss A is feeling much better but now he isn't feeling so great so he wanted to warn us that a flu or something is going around their house possibly.
I don't care, I don't want to get sick obviously but I also want to spend time with my family at Christmas and that is more important to me so we'll be going over there in the evening as planned.

It was a fairly quiet day really, I spent a lot of time just enjoying my tree.

And the rest of my Christmas décor.

My sister posted some Christmas pictures.
She looks so good.

The boys in their jammies ready to go to bed.

They were very excited about Christmas morning being just about here!

Mom & I headed over to my brother A's just after supper and my other brother met us there.

He picked up our niece on the way too.

As soon as we got there, I called her on messenger so we could have a video chat before the boys went to bed.
There is a 3 hour time difference so it was already 8:30 there.

They did sit still long enough to say a quick hi to us.

Wow - got both of them in one picture, that was quite the feat.

They just had to show me what Chaos was up to.

They did sit nicely in front of the tree for me.
My, they are getting so grown up.

You can just see Mr.H's head there in the corner, he wanted to say hi to the boys too.

I love this shot of her and the boys.
Sure wish they were here with us and not so far away.

They opened a family present and it was Jenga so we had to try to have a game right away.
It turned into more of a "knock down the blocks" session than a game but Mr H enjoyed it.

The kids each got to open one Christmas Eve present.

Mr. H didn't waste any time.

I had to take a video.

Mr H got a bath bomb and he was pretty stoked about that.

They each got new Christmas pajamas so they changed into them right away.

Looking like a sweet innocent little angel.

Now the gecko muscles are out!

He just wasn't letting go of that bath bomb!

Not hard to tell who is in charge between these two.

Poor Sage had to try to squish herself onto the little cat bed.

Miss A made her mom & dad this beautiful ornament at school.

My Honey dropped by when he got off work and Mr H was so excited to see him!

Sage was happy to see him too because he gave her some loving.
She just loves attention.

We hung out and had some laughs.

Ate some snacks.

Ran off some energy.

Told some stories of Christmas's past.

Basically just enjoyed spending time together.

My son was spending the evening with his in-laws - they were going to try to stop by but didn't make it.
I'll see him tomorrow so no biggie.

When it was getting close to 10 pm, we headed home so the kiddos could get to bed.
Miss M said she & her mom still had wrapping to do so we wanted to let them get to it.

My Honey and I went home and settled in for my other Christmas Eve tradition,

It's a Wonderful Life.
It's my other favorite Christmas movie!
I watch it every Christmas eve.

Miss H posted a picture of her, Baby F and Miss Z.
Baby F is in her little Santa suit - so cute!

What a great idea this is.
I might do it, but for Canada though.

Yup - more proud than anything really!

After the movie, we headed to bed.
I didn't bother to drag all the presents up from the basement, there were just too many.
I'll get everyone to help tomorrow when they arrive.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy and Merry Christmas!

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