Thursday 30 August 2018

Crafting Makes me Happy! ( August 24, 2018)

I called down to my mothers Doctor office to see if her insurance forms had been filled out yet and they were ready so first thing this morning I headed to WCT to pick them up.
I wanted to get them sent in ASAP as I'd already missed the deadline due to her Doctor being away on vacation.
I have really been enjoying this station lately.
Lots of good songs.

I never heard this one before but I really liked it.

I also never really listened to anything by Selena Gomez (or what is more likely is that I did but I just didn't know it.)
Anyway - I discovered that I kind of like her.
It was a pretty quick trip there and back.
I picked up the form, grabbed a few things at Walmart then headed straight back.

I noticed this beaver den as I passed by and I just had to turn back and take a picture.
I really like what he's done with his place, ha ha!

The leaves are already turning color - bummer!
A few more good tunes I was treated too on the way.
I think this was the best one I heard today - I really liked it.
I stopped at the office and got the forms emailed in and I printed off a few ideas for the baby shower.
I was speaking to Miss H's mom and she thought an Owl themed shower would be nice so that's what we are going with.

I had some leftover nachos for lunch.
My son let me know that they were released from the hospital but they had to stay in Barrhead so they were staying at Miss H's grandparents.
I didn't feel right just dropping into their house so instead I got Miss M to come over and we worked on making a few things for Baby F.

We made her a welcome banner.

We also made a little sign for her room.
Miss M painted the letters and some of the purple paint was sitting on the table.
Paddington decided to jump onto the table and one paw landed directly in the paint.
We only notice after he was walking on the floor and leaving a little trail of purple paw prints.
We grabbed him quickly before he got to my white area rug and cleaned it off as best we could.
We only noticed later that he must have shook his paw because my new curtains were covered in little purple spots.
I took them down right away, put some dish detergent straight on all the spots then put them in the washer.
It was fun doing crafts with her - I think we should make a point to do it more often.
Miss M's mom dropped by with little Miss Z and I gave her a bunch of craft supplies to work on shower stuff.
I have so much stuff that I have been hanging onto forever so it will be nice to actually get some of it used up.

My Honey had gone to the city for a shopping trip with BN and JRA.
I asked him to pick up some more pistachio oreos if he was at Giant Tiger because Mr H just loves them.
He sent me this picture to let me know he'd gotten them.

BN found this cute kitty watering can so My Honey checked to see if I wanted one too.
Sure - why not, it is pretty cute.

He had to send me a picture of his delicious lunch too.

He found these at the dollar store which totally went with the owl theme so he picked those up for me too.

My Honey got himself a new printer today.
He worked on getting it set up when he got home.
The kitties were quite interested!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

Back to Work (August 23, 2018)

SV had a sign all ready for me this morning.

It is super smoky again.

I got out for a walk anyway - it's feels so strange out there.
It almost feels like it is closing in on you.
It does make the sun look pretty cool.

Hard to capture in a picture but it is totally orange.

Looks like the air quality is expected to reach very high risk again today.

My Honey sent me this.
Seems he found the perfect Christmas gift for BN and JRA!

He was busy at home working on the tv stand.
It is coming along nicely.
I made myself and egg and spinach sandwich for lunch.
The kitties were both hanging out with My Honey when I arrived home from work.
Apparently there was something very interesting outside the window.

They did turn and look at me very nicely when I took their picture.
Guess they are getting to be old pros!
I was going to head to Barrhead with my niece tonight but I was talking to my son and they were both pretty tired so I said I'd let them rest and we would head that way tomorrow.
I was a little tired myself so saving that hour long drive there then back again until tomorrow didn't hurt my feelings any.

My Honey and I went to the store and grabbed ingredients to make nachos.

Nothing better than a plate full of warm nachos with all the fixings.

Selfie for no reason.

Ha ha.
I watched M.A.S.H. as a little girl with my father and Radar was one of my favorite characters.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

Officially a Grandmother (August 22, 2018)

My son texted around 3:30 am to let us know that they'd taken Miss H in to perform a C-section.
I didn't hear it so about 45 minutes had passed.
I got in touch with him right away and he let me know that she was here.
I couldn't wait to get over there and meet her but they were still stitching mom up so I told him to let us know when we could come.

These are pictures that my son took and posted.

Introducing Freya Rose - welcome to the world little one.

The proud papa.

The proud mama.
Look at all the hair she has!

Now a family of three!

Mama was a little tired and worn out but holding that precious little bundle makes it all worth it!

Aww, she isn't looking very happy here.

Peacefully sleeping.

This is my favorite picture of her so far.

Awww, it is so hard to believe that my baby now has a baby of his own.

He called around 5:30 am or so to say that Miss H was back in her room now so we headed over there lickety split.

When we got there, the nurse was taking measurements and baby girl wasn't very happy.

She finished and swaddled her up and gave her to daddy and she was much happier.

He is going to be a great daddy - I can tell already.

She cried for a minute but daddy is a pro at soothing her already.

It wasn't long before she was looking content in her dad's arms once again.

So proud of them - it was a long, tiring night but they made it through.

I couldn't wait to hold her in my arms.

I was smitten from the moment I laid eyes on her.

I think she is making faces at me already.

Someone else might be smitten too.

She looks so tiny in his arms.

She seems so content when she is being held close, I hope that means she's going to be a cuddler.

I knew the mommy and daddy were exhausted and we were pretty tired too so we didn't stay long.
We wanted to let them get some rest so we headed back to the hotel room and went back to bed for a bit.

We slept in until about 9 then got ready to head back over to the hospital.
My mom & sister wanted me to pick up flowers so we stopped at the flower shop and I got this arrangement and a cute little unicorn stuffie.

We stopped back over to visit baby girl then.

Her other grandma and her 3 year old auntie stopped in for a visit too.

Yup - little baby F has a 3 year old auntie.
I think it's wonderful that they will be able to grow up together.
Miss H, her mom and baby F.

Little Miss Z had her chance to hold "her baby".

She checked her over.

I think she found that all was good.
Look out world for this duo!

Proud papa still smiling from ear to ear. 

For a gift for them, I set up this cord blood collection through a company called Insception Lifebank.
My sister did it with her kids so that is how I knew about it.
You pay a fee, I think its around $1200.00 which you can pay all at once or spread out over a year.
They send out a collection box which the mom takes to the birth with her.
The doctor takes a sample of the cord blood then right away the sample gets sent to Toronto where it is stored for 18 years.
There is a yearly storage fee of around $100/year as well.
Normally the courier would be called within 2 hours of the sample collection and they would take it to the airport for transport.
However, because we are kind of remote, that would have added around another $800 to the cost so I also had the option to run it in to the airport myself so that is what I decided on.
So My Honey and I picked up the sample and headed to the city.
I called Inception Lifebank on our drive in and it turned out they didn't want me to take it directly to the airport, instead they wanted me to meet the courier in the city somewhere.
That turned into a bunch of phone calls but eventually we got it sorted and planned for the courier to meet us at the restaurant we decided to go to for lunch.
He pulled up just as we arrived so all worked out well.
We aren't in Leduc that often so whenever we have the chance, we always hit up Habanero's.
I just love the décor in there, I absolutely love the color of this hutch.

The menu has changed since we were there last and the prices have gone up.

They bring you chips and salsa to start - the portion is much smaller than it used to be.

I had the chicken tortilla soup which I love.

They had a new meatball soup which My Honey tried, it was pretty good too.
It had a deep, interesting flavor.

I had a chicken taco salad.
It was good - I couldn't finish it though.

My Honey opted for the tostadas - they didn't knock his socks off.
All in all, we were kind of disappointed.
The prices have gone up but the quality seems to have gone down a bit.
Still good but not as fantastic as when we first discovered it.
We left there and walked around Leduc a little.
It has a really nice little downtown area.
This is the first time I noticed this mural - I really like it.

We went to my dream store after that.
It's a Crock Country Store.

I love it in this place - I could live here.
I expressed that to My Honey in the store and another customer nearby heartily agreed!

There are so many great ideas and this is exactly how I would like my home to look someday.

I thought using this window pane as a room divider was a great idea.

There are just so many beautiful things everywhere.

I love the sliding barn doors and this pedestal table.

I love the cabinets.

I love how they group things together.
I get so many ideas every time I come here.
I really liked this big clock and I've been thinking that maybe a clock would look good on the big bare wall we have in the living room.

Unfortunately fall is in the air and they had all these pumpkins out.
I am not looking forward to the end of summer but I do really like these.
I think they would be pretty easy to make as well. 

I thought this white set looked really great and I am going to try to make a set.

Another grouping that I love.

They had the block pumpkins in orange too.
I might even make a set of both.

They had different shapes of pumpkins, I thought these white ones were cute, not as cute as the block ones but cute.
They had these ones in orange too.
Such a simple design but so effective.

I like how they used the different shades here.
So many great ideas.
I really need a workshop!

The blue flower here caught my eye.
I'd like to make some more of those. 

Next we stopped by the furniture store right next store.
I don't normally go for taxidermy but some of the ones they have here are so cute.
Pretty pricey though.

I kind of liked this bed - Snapped a picture hoping maybe it could be a project for My Honey one of these days.

As we were leaving town we noticed a new bakery that we'd never seen before so we stopped in.
We had a Portuguese tart and a Portuguese doughnut.
Both were good.

This was layers of phyllo dough filled with cream then rolled in sliced almonds.
It didn't taste as good as I was hoping, I think it could have used more cream.

My Honey pulled down a dirt road on the way home and even though I wasn't crazy about the color, the gentle rolling and sloping of the field was just so pretty.
Kind of hard to capture in a picture.
We stopped back at the hospital on our way home.
We picked up some sunflowers and a few things for baby so we wanted to drop them off.
Plus I just wanted to see Baby F.

Her grandparents were there visiting so I snapped a picture.
Miss Z was hiding in this one.

Did manage to get one with her in it.

Baby F had a new little outfit on.

She was hanging out in her bed but not for long.

I know - so many similar pictures but how do I not include them all?
I feel almost guilty if I don't.

Her Great Grandma was holder her and she was just checking everything out.

That got tiring though - it's a lot to take in for someone who isn't quite 24 hours old yet.

Of course I had to get a little cuddle in.

Pretty proud Grandma right here.

So perfect.

My Honey had a turn holding her too.

She started making a few fussy faces.

That's his "Oh sure, as soon as I hold her face", ha ha.

He was able to calm her down no problem though.

Then it was time to give her back to her daddy so we could go.
She was crossing her little hands, I thought it looked so darling.

She's got her daddy wrapped around her finger already.

Just awwwwww!

I had to get one more picture of all that hair before we headed out.
I still can't get over it.
We still had an hour drive to get home.

We hadn't been there for over a day so all the kitties in the land dropped by to see My Honey when they saw him get home.
They knew they would get treats and pets and they did!
Ours were pretty happy to see us too!

This memory popped up on Facebook today.
These little cuties are getting so grown up I can hardly believe it.
Enjoy every moment because they sure do fly by.
This was just a random post I saw about costumes but I thought it was so genius that I had to share.
It's been quite a day - a wonderful day and I am so thankful that all went well and we have a new little one in our family to love and enjoy.
I am officially a grandmother!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!