Wednesday 6 November 2019

WCT Trip & Birthday Supper for My Brother A (Oct.19, 2019)

I must really be getting old because sleeping in late has become a thing of the past.
I'm ok with that though, I actually like being an early bird - makes the days feel longer and like I'm able to get more accomplished.

My niece wanted to get her nails done for Halloween so I said I would take her to WCT this morning.
She didn't have an appointment but there are several places and they all open at 9 so we left at 8 so we could be there first thing.
She did some Halloween decorating outside her place - I think it looks really cute.

She called on the drive in and was able to get an appointment right at 9.
I dropped her off and headed to Walmart to get a few things that I needed.

I saw these dishes that I am seriously considering getting.
I love the pattern and the shape.

I really love these platters and bowls. 

The cake stand is really cute. 

The gravy dish would come in handy - I don't currently have one and usually just use a glass measuring cup.
This tray was fabulous too.
I thought it would be great on a table with candy dishes on it or just on the mantel as a piece of décor.

Then I headed to Repeat Boutique - the second hand store.
I just love that store.
I found lots of clothes for Baby F even though I said I wouldn't buy anymore but they are a buck a piece so I couldn't resist.
Anything she doesn't want, I'll just bring right back and they can resell it and make more money.
They raise money for a good cause so that's ok with me.

I also found some cheap craft supplies.
I shopped around for an hour thinking my niece would meet me but her appointment took almost 2 hours so I was just finishing up at the second hand store when she was done.

She got spooky nails for Halloween, I think they look awesome!

She wanted to go in there and have a look so I had another go round and found some books and a drill bit set for My Honey.

After that, we got some breakfast at Tim Horton's.

We ate in the truck then hit up the dollar store.

Even though we only had a few stops, it was still 2 pm by the time we were heading home.
I was having all the family over for Thanksgiving/my brother A's birthday later today.
My Honey was home cooking and while I knew he had it under control, I felt guilty for not being there to help him.

When I did get home, he did have everything under control so I just help with some clean up.

While we were working - Paddington and Professor Snuggles got into a bit of a scrap - note all the white fluffy hair that doesn't belong to him!

I got my new cow print that I picked up at Hobby Lobby in New Mexico put up.
I like it.

He invited his friend (and my coworker) BN and he was the first to arrive.
My son and my brother A (whose birthday we were celebrating), had to work late so we ended up just starting without them because it was getting late.
It wasn't much longer after we started that they arrived though luckily.

Baby F is starting to expand her horizons a bit and is exploring every part of the house that she can get to.

Just as we started eating, my cousin messaged to see if I'd like to have a phone call with her mom.
Of course I did so she said to give them 10 minutes.

I did then I messaged her back to make sure it was ok and she said that her mom had gotten too winded and they'd had to put her on the CPap machine so we'd have to schedule another time.
I do hope I get a chance to talk with her.
I want to make sure she knows how much I love her and that I appreciate all of the things that she's done for me.

She always made me feel included and special and like she was so thrilled to be seeing me.
If I dropped by for a visit she made sure I had a feed of lobster and if we wanted to go out for a sail on the boat, she made it happen.
Being out on that boat for sails with my family are where some of the happiest moments and fondest memories have been created.

I remember one specific time when there was a concert in town that a bunch of my relatives were going to.
I was a single mom at the time with a very limited cash flow and couldn't afford to go.
I felt very left out and I never said anything about it but she just instinctively knew it and bought me a ticket to go.
I'll always remember how thoughtful that was and I appreciated it so much.

I was thinking that I wanted to make sure her family knew but then I realized how much more important and wonderful it would be if I could make sure that she knew so I very much hope that I get a chance to tell her.

But back to the day, supper was DELICIOUS!
My Honey cooked up a turkey and a ham.
He used cream cheese in the whipped potatoes and that just makes them so creamy.

My niece & my brother R.

The birthday boy himself, my baby brother A and his daughter, Miss A.

I got her some little dishes and cutlery today so she was testing it out.

Once she's done eating, she likes to clear everything in front of her and send it to the floor.

My Honey and BN.

Ha ha - Baby F is giving me her serious look.

My boy with his girl.
That's a great daddy right there!

Feeding daddy.

Miss M being silly for Baby F.

She wasn't too sure what to think about that.
Opening birthday presents.
The kids went to the pumpkin farm today and got their faces painted.
He had made a pumpkin desert and also a Banana Sour Cream cake which is my brothers favorite.

A co-worker found this recipe on the Kraft website almost 10 years ago now and we've been making it ever since.
It is super easy and delicious and a favorite for not just my brother, but the whole family.

Here's the link to the website if you are interested in the nutritional information or want to look for other great recipes.

Kraft Canada - Banana Sour Cream Cake
Everyone enjoyed it!

My niece brought over these cute cookies that she decorated.
She is getting so crafty.

Everyone stayed and visited for a while.
I love having them over - I told them I want to start a weekly game night or craft night or something so we can see each other more often.
I've mentioned it before and they were in but I may just have to go ahead and just do it.

My Honey got her playing with the wooden spoons and she understands what they are for.

I loved the little outfit Miss H had on her - it was darling.

Cuddling with Miss M.
For some reason, Baby F is afraid of this monster puppet that we have.

Miss M was trying to show her that's it is just a puppet and it couldn't hurt her.
I think she was finally warming up to it after a while but just a little.

I sent everyone home with some leftovers and Miss A took some dessert for her mom.
Time to get coats on and go home.

After they left, we cleaned up and we were tuckered so we pretty much hit the hay.
Early nights - another sign of aging me thinks!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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