Sunday 24 November 2019

Old Pictures (Nov.22, 2019)

Tonight was our work Christmas party.
It is held at the casino in the city and normally we leave at lunch time to head in there.
None of us are going this year and I'm still torn a bit about my decision not to attend but I'd have to come home tomorrow then turn around and head back to the city on Sunday and I just didn't want to do all that driving.

I was hoping that we might get to leave work early anyway but that didn't happen.

We did our first 50/50 draw today and I won!
I got $90.00 - not too shabby!

After work, I picked up mom and we headed to WCT to do a bit of shopping.
We made a stop at Walmart.
Then we headed over to the Dollar Store.
I ordered take out pizza from Panago and we headed back home.
It was a pretty quick in and out trip.

SV was at the office late picking up some stuff and sent me this picture of how the snowflake looks at night.
You can't really see the lights on it because of the lights at the office but it does look nice.

When I got home, we had pizza and My Honey & I watched some YouTube videos before hitting the hay.

This was posted on a Facebook page for the community that my dad grew up in.
I just love all the old pictures that get posted on there.
The lady in the front is my Aunt GS.
She doesn't look very impressed, ha ha!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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