Sunday 10 November 2019

Hallmark Movie Season has Arrived (Nov.3, 2019)

When I got up this morning, I got right at a project I'd started yesterday.

My Honey just got this mug and I liked the snowman in the picture so I wanted to copy it.

I did kind of the base yesterday then this morning I added the all the details.
I'm quite happy with how it turned out.

While I was painting, My Honey was busy with a project of his own, bagel making.

The sesame ones are done and the everything ones are ready to go in the oven.

He's becoming a pro - they were so good I just had to have one immediately while it was still warm.

Just after noon, My Honey left and went on a shopping expedition with his buddies, BN & JRA.

While he was gone, I sat and watched two Hallmark movies.
Merry & Bright was the first one.

Then I also watched A Merry Christmas Match.
They were both just what I expected, cheesy, 

While I was watching them, I worked on my goals book and I was able to complete a couple of pages.
Goal #15 - Go Snow Shoeing.
I've heard that it is difficult but I've always wanted to try it.

Goal #16 - Create a Budget and Stick To It!
I just kind of pay things willy nilly as they come  - I don't really have a plan at all.
I know what everything costs pretty much each month but sometimes if I don't see the bill, I forget to pay.
I want to schedule it all out so I don't miss anything and I know exactly how much I have to use for other things.

My Honey arrived home with a new toy.

He spent the rest of the evening trying to put it together, I think it had alot of parts so it was kind of frustrating but he persevered and got it done.

Now he can cut shapes out of wood more easily - time to look for some more projects!

My sister's crafty side came out to shine today.
She & the boys made these awesome lollipops out of pool noodles.
I think they look just wonderful!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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