Wednesday 13 November 2019

Spending Time With My Girlie! (Nov.11, 2019)

It was another early morning over here for me.
I made my coffee and found a movie to watch.
Holiday for Heroes
This was the best one I saw so far this year.
It made me emotional, I got choked up a few times.
Maybe because I grew up in a Military family so I could relate?
I'm not sure but it was good and it wasn't completely far fetched like some of them are.
I worked on projects today.

I got the snowflake project done.
I built it out of hangers.
I hot glued the hangers together first then I went and put tie straps on the whole thing for extra support.

It is huge.
I would like to put lights all around it and make a few more to hang on the house.
I also did more blogging and sanded a few boards to get them ready to paint.

I had a chicken breast cut up on my favorite salad mix for lunch.
It totally hit the spot.
Mom went to the Remembrance Day Ceremony they have here in town and I was waiting for her to come back so we could go visit my son together.

He called in the meantime though to see if I could babysit so I headed over without mom.

Her mom gave her a kiss and then was off and it was just Baby F & I.

Baby F is such a joy to me.

I take so many pictures of her and I love everyone of them.

She is super good at the stink eye look.
She kept making this funny face at me, kind of a puzzle look but I couldn't capture a picture of it.

She took a few selfies.
Then we also read books and played with toys.

She showed me how clever she is.

Uncle R came upstairs and she had to go over and sit with him for a bit.

There were a couple times that I think she realized that mom & dad weren't there and she went looking for them but I was always able to find something new for us to do and distract her.

I don't know if was a good idea but I showed her how to use a pen.
Sure hope that doesn't backfire!

We had snacks.

I would only giver her one or two at a time but she kept coming back for more.

 Playing with kitty.

She was actually letting her lick the cheesie crumbs off of her fingers.

Washing up after our snack.

She's very independent, she didn't want me to do it, she wanted to do it herself.

She is such a cutie patootie.

All in all, we had a wonderful afternoon together.
I hope I get to spend many, many more with her.

When I got home, I got to painting.
I got a few coats on this board I want to make into a sign.

I tried out painting a sheep.
It didn't turn out exactly as I wanted but it's a good first attempt.

I also added some wording to this one, I felt like it needed it.

When the sheep one dried, I added some details and the wording.
I didn't like the wording though so I sanded it off.
I'll have to try again.
I had some leftover casserole for supper.
Then I was feeling really cold so I got in the tub to warm up.
Curling was still on tonight despite it being Remembrance Day.
It was a tie game, with each of us getting just one point each end.
Then in the 7th, the other team got 3 points.
We got one in the 8th but it wasn't enough and we lost.
We just can't seem to get our poop in a group so far this year although we did play better tonight than we did the rest of the year so far.
It was after 9 when I got home so pretty much it was bed time!
I've been doing really well with making wise food choices and I'm expecting to see a drop on the scale at work tomorrow morning.
Thanks to curling, I reached the 10,000 step goal today!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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