Sunday 24 November 2019

I Love My Cricut! (Nov.20, 2019)

Not much to report today.
Work was business as usual.

 Lunch was leftover Italian Wedding soup.

I also worked on putting more decoration up while I was home for lunch.

The afternoon seemed to fly right by and as soon as I got home, I got busy decorating again.
I really want to get it done before the weekend.
I'm just about there, just need to put up a more things, get the Christmas tablecloth on the table then I'll be done, almost!

Still have to put the tree up but since we get a real one, that will have to wait a couple more weeks.

I had more Italian Wedding soup for supper and a chicken salad sandwich too.

 I cut a stencil out for BH's daughter for a project she is doing.
I tried a few different fonts and got her to choose which she liked best.
I liked #4 and she picked that one too.

She did the back of her Halloween sign over the weekend and I think it turned out great.
My niece wants to do the back of hers so this will give her an idea of how it will look.

I found these awesome Chewbacca cookies made using a gingerbread cookie cutter.
I love them.
Definitely going to give them a try.

That about sums up my day.

Miss H and Baby F have been in BH for the last few days as she has been working.
They are coming home tomorrow I think and light up in town is tomorrow night so I can't wait to see them!!!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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