Thursday 7 November 2019

Election Day (Oct.21, 2019)

It's election day here in Canada.
I stopped at the polls at 7 am on my way to work thinking I could vote then but they don't actually open until 7:30.
So I went on to work.

Weigh in.
I'm down a little.
I think if I could only get into the 250's that it would give me the kick start I need.
I'm going to keep trying.

Around 8 I headed back up to vote.
The economy here in Alberta is really hurting and has been the last few years.
While I don't blame it on the current administration - I do think there is more they could be doing to help.

We really need to get a pipeline in and make it more attractive to investors.
So the feeling around town and the province is that we really need change.
Plus, I'm not a fan of the current Prime Minister to say the least.
I'm hoping we see a change but whether that happens or not, we'll see.

SV is off to Phoenix on vacation and SG had the day off too so BH and I were the only girls at the office today.
I was busy so the morning sped by.

Before you know it, it was time for lunch.

I had a huge plate full of leftovers for lunch.
This is mainly veggies but there was some pork, ham, turkey and stuffing in there too.
Normally when I'm hungry and prepare a big plate like this I can never finish but I did today.

The afternoon flew by too.

I worked on my blog a bit after work and My Honey made Cuban Sandwiches for supper.

He brought one in to me in my office and OMG, it was so delicious.
I probably shouldn't have eaten the other half but I did.

We weren't really watching the election results on tv but we were looking at them on our phones when they started coming in.
When I saw the first numbers and the Liberals were way ahead of everyone else I got a bad feeling.
I just couldn't watch because I knew it would make me upset so I tried to distract myself by reading.

I had just started Rainbow Valley, book number 7 in the Anne series, the other day.
I ended up reading the whole thing tonight.

We did keep tabs on the election and when the Liberals were declared the winners I was so shocked and upset.
I can't believe after the things he's done and the way he acts that folks would still vote for him.

Anyway it is what it is, we voted, did all we could, now we just have to hope for the best.
Maybe he'll do good for Alberta finally - we'll see.

It was on my mind so much that I had a heck of a time trying to get to sleep.
I hate worrying like this over something that I can't control but I just couldn't help myself.
I think of all the people and businesses that are struggling and were hoping that maybe things might start to look up and I worry for them.
I did eventually drift off to a fitful sleep.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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