Sunday 3 November 2019

Back to the Grind! (Oct.10, 2019)

I DID NOT want to get out of bed this morning when 6 am rolled around.
I remember when I was younger, I could stay up late and it didn't affect me at all - not the case anymore.

Paddington came in and gave me morning cuddles.
I just wanted to stay in bed all day but at least I only have to work today and tomorrow then I'll have a nice long weekend to catch up on some sleep.

Weigh in this morning to check the damage.
I guess it could have been worse.

I had a couple parcels waiting for me in my office.

A pile of stuff on my desk too but that's ok - I like being busy.

It was a pretty quiet day at the office.
BH & SV were at meetings in Calgary and SG was off for the weekend so it was just me and a few of the foremen there today.

It was payroll and I just inherited a couple of new areas full of guys as we had an admin resign so that kept me busy most of the day.
In fact, I ended up working until 6:30 to get a bunch of stuff sorted.

When I finally made it home, I was exhausted.
I wanted to drop over and visit the baby but they weren't home.
Instead, I just ate snack food for supper and caught up on some PVR'd shows.

It was an early night.

This made me giggle.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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