Saturday 23 November 2019

Christmas Decorations Are Going Up! (Nov.17, 2019)

I actually slept in until 8 am this morning.

When I got up, I got right to work, I had a few projects I wanted to knock off my list today.
My Honey made me a coffee - so nice of him.
I got out the paint and got a coat of white on the crate.

Then I hauled a bunch of empty bins up from the basement and got to work 'undecorating' my place.
I have to do that to make room for the Christmas stuff.

It looks so bare when I take everything down.

I did line up all the stuff I've made so far this year on the mantel, I've been busy.

Then after I got that all put away, I hauled out the Christmas stuff and My Honey took all the bins upstairs for me.
I hauled up some of the stuff that wasn't in bins, like these trees I made last year.

I found a Christmas movie and put it on.
Nostalgic Christmas

Then I started decorating.
It will take me a couple days likely but I feel good that I'm getting it done.

I got a few white coats on the crate then it was time to look for a stencil to put on it.

I found one that I liked and got a coat of paint on it.

My Honey had made pasta for supper so we invited my son and family over.
They were heading out to BH so they couldn't stay long but it was nice to see them.

My Honey was working on a little project of his own today.
A little table. 
I already had one chair but he is going to make three more to go along with it.
He got the first one done and it looks pretty good, only two more to go.

He got Baby F to try it out and she just love sitting at her own little table.

She ate some pasta then My Honey gave her some cool whip.

She just loves the stuff - she was licking her lips.

She emptied the bowl in no time so My Honey gave her a little more.

Good Stuff!

I caught these guys right in the middle of eating.

After they ate, they left pretty quickly so they could get on the road.
It's already dark and there are lots of animals on the road so I wanted them to get going too.

I pulled the stencil off  the crate then sanded it back a bit so it would look used and rustic.
I like how it turned out.

I decided I wanted to do a smaller version of the same stencil on the side so I got that on and painted.
By this point, my feet were feeling very sore so I found a movie and sat down to watch it.

Christmas in the Heartland.
A few familiar faces in it, like Shelly Long and the dad from Reba.
It was a cute movie, I enjoyed it.

When it was over, it was time to hit the hay for this chick.
Back to work in the am.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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