Sunday 10 November 2019

Quiet Sunday (Oct.27, 2019)

It was a quiet Sunday over here.
I actually slept in a bit and when I did get up, I got right to work.

The glue was all dry on the trees so I sewed up all the openings.

I only had three bases left from the last batch My Honey cut for me so I got those glued on to the dowels.

I left them to dry.
I'm happy with how they turned out.

I'll need to get My Honey to cut some more when he goes on days off for the rest of the trees.

I made myself a chicken salad sandwich for lunch.
I was tasty.

I spent the afternoon doing laundry and watching the rest of Carnival Row.
I fit in other odd cleaning jobs too but I must admit, it was a low activity day.

I did go down to the store to grab a few things for supper.

I made BH's version of taco soup and it was perfect for a cold, snowy day.

It was late when My Honey got home and we went to bed not much later.
Back to the grind tomorrow.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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