Thursday 7 November 2019

Halloween Movie Must (Oct.23, 2019)

Not much to report over here today.
I was super busy so I barely left my office.

They were having meetings here today in the conference room and they ordered in pizza for lunch.
I decided to just have some of that instead of going home for lunch.

I ended up working late too so I could finish up some procedure reviews I was working on.

It was yucky and dreary outside when I got home, good day to curl up and watch movies.
Which we did when My Honey got home.

Keeping to our plan to watch one Halloween show each day, we picked Hocus Pocus.
I was surprised to learn that My Honey had never seen it before.
It's a Halloween staple!

For supper we had the delicious bagels My Honey had made yesterday.
I had half of mine with salami and the other half with peanut butter.
I know, weird combo but it worked for me.
It was delicious.

Then it was off to bed early, we were both tired and I have to drive in to St Albert in the morning so I wanted to be nice and rested.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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