Tuesday 12 November 2019

A Memorable Non Trip to the City! (Nov.9, 2019)

I got up when My Honey left for work, made my morning coffee then got caught up on a couple of PVR'd shows.
I was just looking for a Christmas movie to watch when NTC called me to say our trip to the city was on.
We were kind of back and forth because of the weather, we were expecting a lot of snowfall throughout the day.
It had snowed all through the night and it was still snowing pretty hard out there but we were going to go anyway.
She said I had an hour to get ready so I jumped in the shower.
They picked me up at 8:30 and we hit the road.
SV & I both sat in the back seat and neither of us were too plucky about the driving conditions but NCT was the driver and she wasn't bothered by it so we just sat in the back and tried to remain calm.
When we got to Barrhead, we stopped at a Western Wear that I hadn't even known existed until today.
SV got cowboy boots for her granddaughters.
Next we stopped for gas and that's when the wrench got thrown into our plans.
NCT's car wouldn't start.
The gas station attendants got someone out to try to give us a boost.
They tried a few times but it wasn't working so they checked the battery and turns out it was fine.
So likely it was the starter or the alternator.
NCT called to have it towed and BH called her hubby to come and pick us up.
My Honey was working and so was SV's hubby so JH was our only option.
We were an hour away from home by this time so we knew we had about an hour until he got there for us.
The girl that tried to give us a boost gave us a lift over to A&W where we got some breakfast.
I had a bacon and egg breakfast sandwich, a coffee and a deliciously, super cold mug of water.

Staying in good spirits over the whole car thing.

SV and I.


There is a better one of NCT - if she could have gotten the car started, we would have continued on our way but that wasn't to be.
After we ate breakfast, we shopped around at a couple of the places we could walk to until JH arrived for us.

Our knight in shining armor to the rescue.

Hatching a new plan.
We decided that instead of the city, we'd drop JH off then head to WCT instead.
The highway to WCT ended up being even worse than what we'd driven to Barrhead earlier.
We even considered turning back but we were so close we just kept on and hoped that the snow would die down some for the drive home.
We stopped at Repeat Boutique then went for supper at Original Joe's.

BH and SV (the birthday girl).
Today was actually her birthday too - it's not often we make it out on the actual birthday.

NCT and Moi.

We ordered a bunch of appetizers to share instead of getting entrées.
They were all really good - I especially like the lettuce wraps.
NCT's hubby had checked it out and there was a car rental place at the WCT airport so we headed there last thing.
It ended up being a dud.
It wasn't open and they would have had to call someone in.
When she did call to talk to them, they said that there would be an extra charge for that and they only had one vehicle and it was $100 per day (they'd said $50 per day on the phone to KT).
So we just skipped it and headed back.
The driving conditions were a bit better - it wasn't snowing as hard at least.
So we were home much earlier than our usual birthday dinner days but that was ok with me.

Meant I got time to work on adding some details to my snowman.
I'm not liking it as much as the other one I did just like it but I don't hate it.
My Honey and I watched some tv when he got home then it was early to bed for both of us.
That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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