Saturday 23 November 2019

Christmas Spirit Wing At The Office! (Nov.14, 2019)

Even though we are still snow covered, the weather has turned mild and I love it.
Don't even have to warm the truck up in the morning.

When I got to the office this morning, I decorated mine for Christmas first thing.

I brought some of my trees with me to put out.

I think it turned out pretty good.
BN has his done too - we were joking saying our wing of the office is the wing with the Christmas Spirit!

My Honey had to make what he called an emergency trip to the store because we were out of cat food.

Luckily he was able to get the last box of food in town like this because it's the only kind of wet food our fussy kitties will eat.

Disaster averted because this guy is dangerously close to starving (not).

Ha ha - he's such a snuggle puss.

A girl in town made these and was selling them at the market the other day.
Miss H really liked them so I'm going to try to make some.

I had leftover meatloaf with veggies for lunch.

After work, I wanted to get to some projects.

I have this board I'm going to paint on, this time I'm going to stain it first though.

This is the ebony stain I picked up - I really like it.
Especially when you paint a color over top of it then sand it back.

I took the stencil off the sign I made for my wreath and sanded the edges a bit to give it a rustic look.

Then I put a matte varnish over top of it for protection.
I'm almost out of this stuff and I really like it so I'll have to look for more at the store this weekend.

After it dried, I added some string to it and put it on my wreath.
I'm happy with how it turned out.

This is My Honey's latest project.
He's trying his hand at carving and I think this little duckie is looking just great so far!
He's going to look for a dremel tool this weekend to finish it up.

I'm looking forward to trying a wood carving project myself but maybe not until after Christmas.
I have lots to do now to keep me busy.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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