Monday 4 November 2019

Tree Check in PEI (Oct.18, 2019)

Just a regular day at work - nothing exciting to report.

My sister & mother headed back to PEI to visit our aunt who has been placed in palliative care.
I sure wish I could get out there to see her too but I checked the flights and they are super expensive this last minute so I unfortunately won't be able to get out there.
Times like these are when it hurts the most to live so far away from my extended family.

Since she was there on the island, my sister dropped by our property to see how the trees we planted are making out.

They seem to have leaves on them and are still standing so that's a good sign.

Even the tags for the kinds of trees they are have survived.

The hay/grass in the field is so high it's almost hard to distinguish what is hay and what is tree without getting close up.

There's a good one with the river in behind.

She says in her NON expert opinion, they are doing great.

In other words she doesn't have a clue.

I LOVE this picture - her expression made me laugh out loud!

She thought at first that something had been eating them but then upon closer inspection found that was not true.
It was good of her to check them out for us - I can't wait until we can get there next summer to check them out for ourselves.

We plan on spending a few weeks out there next summer to actually get started on a few things on the property - I'm looking forward to that.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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