Monday 11 November 2019

A Fresh Start (Nov.5, 2019)

I woke up feeling very motivated and inspired this morning to actually get going and get this weight off of me.

I wrote myself a few affirmations on my mirror just so I could try to help get myself into the right frame of mind each morning.

A reminder to treat every day like it's day one, fresh and clean with no mistakes in it.

Each little extra thing I do will get me that much closer to my goal.
Whether it's one less snack or one extra walk, it all helps.

Finally, if I believe I can, that's part of the battle won already!

It's going to be a good day.

I stopped at the store on my way to work to pick up a few things that would aid in my quest for health.
I got spring salad mix, clementines, milk and chicken breast.

Work was busy as it has been lately.
I wish I had more time - I feel like I can't get everything done in 8 hours.

I know I'll get it done but sometimes it just feels like a lot.
Don't get me wrong though - I love having work and I'm so thankful for my job.

I'd rather be busy and overworked than the opposite.
Trying to fill days at work when you don't really have anything to do would be terrible.
I had cereal for break.

I'm going to really try to focus on getting some extra fiber into me - I've been slacking on that end lately.

My Honey took his truck to WCT for new tires and while they work on the truck, he was wandering around the store sending me pictures of things he was finding.

Like this  cute little ride on for Baby F

I was looking on Amazon at tents for Baby F but none of them had lights so I love this one he found.
I had him pick it all up for Christmas.

I figured this was the easiest Christmas shopping I've ever done, right from the comfort of my own desk!

I had salad for lunch with some chicken and it was pretty darn good.
I am a salad fan so that is helpful.

Work this afternoon was more busyness.

I ended up working late to try to finish part of a project I'm working on that I really want to complete by the end of the week.
It's going to be tough because I may have to set some other stuff on the side burner but I really want to do it.

My Honey found a great deal on chickens today and he had supper all ready when I got home.

He made lemon chicken, brussel sprouts and rice.
I skipped the rice which I'm not that crazy about and had some salad mix again and it was a delicious supper.

That lemon chicken he cooked up was 'dabomb'!
I'll have to get him to add it to the rotation of regular meals.

I watched a new show that just started, Welcome to Plathville.
Not sure how much I'm going to like it so far but I'll give it a try.

I also got started on another snowman.
I want to paint one similar to one I already did but with a green scarf instead.

I got most of the base done, now tomorrow I will add extra details.

My Honey & I took a weight bench over to my son that I'm giving him.
He ended up not being home so we tucked it into the garage.

It was -17 out so there was no way I wanted to take it back home and haul it back into the basement!

We watched some Outdaughtered and then we headed off to bed fairly early.

My Honey is back to work in the am.

My Auntie N's funeral is tomorrow.
I really wish I could be there.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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