Sunday 3 November 2019

Unpacking is Fun? (Oct.11, 2019)

Another quiet day over here.
BH & SV were back at the office today at least so got to catch up with them.

The three of us went to Subway for lunch with NCT.
I forgot to take pictures!!!

I got a footlong and kept the other half for my supper.

I ended up having to work late again to finish up a few things on my desk but I didn't mind as I have a whole long weekend to look forward to.

When I got home, I unpacked my suitcase.
These are a bunch of the goodies that I purchased while we were on our trip.
(Can you see the penis shaped candle there?)

I got these little boots for Baby F - aren't they darling.
The Bob's are for Miss M for watching our kitties for us while we were away.

I got this awesome deal - this beautiful wide ribbon.
It was 10.99 a meter but it was on clearance and it was $5.00 for the whole thing.

There is a lot on there too.

When I was putting stuff away, I came across this.
The rage around town this summer was painting rocks then hiding them for others to find.
Mr H found this one and when I stopped over there one evening, he gave it to me.
Wasn't that sweet of him?

Saw another example of this artwork on Facebook - I really want to give it a try.

No I did not know but I plan on giving it a try!

These pictures popped up in my memories on Facebook today.
They are from 5 years ago when we went on our New England trip and spent a couple days with my sister first.

I love their big smiles.
They were so little here - they've grown up so much over the past 5 years.

These pictures make me so happy every time I see them.

Those giggles are music to my ears.

So glad I was able to capture this moment in time with them.
I'll treasure this forever.

It was a quiet evening and an early one.
I'm heading to the city with the girls tomorrow to celebrate BH's birthday so no sleeping in just yet.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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