Sunday 10 November 2019

Babysitting and Family Dinner! (Nov.2, 2019)

I got up super early this morning.
It was still dark out in fact.

As I sat and enjoyed my morning coffee and a movie, the kitties watched the sunrise.
I love it when they sit like this together - it's so adorable.

I watched Holiday in the Wild.

Then I got to work assembling the rest of my trees with the stands My Honey cut for me.

My son & Miss H went to help her Uncle with some work again today and asked if I would babysit.
Of course I did.

I got the phone out to distract her while mom & dad left but she wasn't the least bit concerned about that.


For some reason, Paddington decided to stick around and claim this little chair for himself.
He has never paid any attention whatsoever to it before today.

Playing Hide and Seek again.

She thinks this is a great spot to hide.

Mom's friend, DM, came over to visit for the afternoon.
It was nice to catch up.
She & Mom had some of our leftover Halloween snacks.
(I'm not sure why I didn't get their heads in the picture, I must have been distracted).

We decided to make lasagna for supper and have everyone over and Baby F helped make it.

She & My Honey stirred up the ricotta, spinach and cottage cheese mixture.

She was testing it out to make sure it tasted good.

I think she approved.

She was thoroughly enjoying herself.

She looks so itty bitty standing there.
(The bench My Honey made came in handy today).

Having another little taste test.

Ha ha - she has one hand on the spoon and the other in the bowl for a taste!

So yummy she was licking her lips.

Just goes to show that it's never to early to get them started helping out in the kitchen!

After we got the spinach/cheese mixture together, it was time to start layering out the lasagna.

She was very interested in what I was doing.

She was a good little helper.

The lasagna looked pretty darn good when it came out of the oven.

Miss M couldn't come because she was working and my brother R came late because he was working also.
Everyone else was able to make it though.

I gave the kids some orange pop drink mix singles that I'd picked up for them and they had to try them out right away.

Baby F dug right in.

I think she likes lasagna!

For some reason we started trying on hats.

She looks like she either in a day dream or completely unimpressed.

What a handsome dude!

She tried dad's hat on but got it back off too quickly for me to get a picture of her with it on.

This guy right here though - love him so much!

My boy - love him too!

After supper, everyone hung out for a bit just to visit.

As usual, My Honey was right down there playing with the kiddos - no wonder they love him so much.

Not sure what the big congregation on the kitchen table was about - they were having quite the conversation though.

Selfie with my girl.

When Uncle R got there, she had to go right over and get on his lap.

I don't know what she did but she sure had him cracked up.

Mom had been out to a fundraising dinner in town and she got home while everyone was still there.
I love nights like this where we all get together.

Everyone left just after 8 then when my niece got off work, she popped by for some leftovers to take home for supper.

The Hallmark Christmas movie list for 2019 was on Facebook today.
Looks like I've already missed a couple but I'm sure they will show them again before Christmas gets here.

Saw this snowflake made out of hangers and I thought it looked really good and easy to do.
I think I'm going to try to make a couple and string lights on them to hang outside.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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