Monday 11 November 2019

Lunch Date & Grandma Time (Nov.6, 2019)

The time of plugging in vehicles over night and having to go out early into the freezing cold to start them and let them warm up has arrived unfortunately.

I could easily live somewhere that doesn't get snow and I would be totally fine with it.
Maybe someday.

I got to work on the project I'm trying to finish immediately when I got to work and kind of tried to ignore everything else that came up.

NCT wanted to go out for lunch so BH, SV and I met her at Sammy's.
I remembered to take some pictures.

SV and BH.

NCT & I.

They have a new waitress just started there - she seemed nice.

I ordered a greek salad with chicken.
They make the best greek salads, they come with lots of feta and kalamata olives (instead of the black ones that everyone else in town uses, I don't like them.)

The afternoon was more of the same at work.
I just worked, worked, worked at my project all afternoon.
I managed to get a huge portion of it completed and I'm still not done but I will be by the end of the week.

After work I stopped to pick up a prescription for mom and got my flu shot.
Miss H texted to see if I could watch Baby F while she took her little sister to skating lessons so of course I jumped at the opportunity.

It's so different now, Baby F is all smiles when she sees me and mom leaves and she isn't concerned at all.

Miss Z was there briefly before they left for her skating lesson and she colored her hair so I had to get a picture of that.
It's just a wash out one, not really dyed.
She thought it was great.
It does look cute on her.

She had to get her Grandpa to read a book with her before he left.

When they did leave, Baby F came right over with a book and she sat on my lap and we read books most of the time.
She just loves books - think she might take after her old Grandma in that regard.

We took a few selfies just because that's what we do!

This is her 'serious' face.

There's the big smile I love!

We played a little bit of peek-a-boo

  she totally gets the concept.

She would duck down behind the arm of the couch then pop back up.

She was doing her twirls for me too - I love how she looks to the side when she's twirling, cracks me up!

She was petting her kitty a bit - the kitty didn't seem to mind at all.

Just being silly.

I think she actually said "want a cheesie".

My son got home around 6:30 so I headed on home to cook up some supper.

I cooked up some chicken breast just on its own then I also made a chicken breast casserole.
It was taking a long time to cook so I just had leftover lemon chicken and salad for supper.

My Honey waited for the casserole since he'd had leftovers for lunch already and he said it was pretty good.
I mainly wanted to make it so we would have easy lunches for the next couple of days.

I had wanted to bring some wood in to dry out so I could paint a few more things that I found that I liked but by the time I got home from my son's it was dark and cold so I'll leave that until tomorrow night.

Today was my Auntie N's funeral.

My Auntie A sent me a picture of the flower arrangement we'd ordered for her.
I liked it but I'm not sure that it is worth the $100 that I spent on it?

I wish I could have been there today in person, being so far away from family is really tough sometimes.

I did a bit more painting on my snowman before calling it a night.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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