Sunday 10 November 2019

Mom Comes Home and Happy Halloween! (Oct.31, 2019)

We were up and out of the room early this morning.

We stopped at Tim Horton's for breakfast then made a few stops at a few stores before heading to the airport to pick up mom.
I double checked her itinerary and turns out she was actually getting in at 10:30.

We saw that her flight had arrived so waited by the gates for her to come in.
After about 20 minutes we still hadn't seen her so we decided to walk down to the other set of gates.
She wasn't there either.
We found which carousel her luggage was going to come on and went there.
About an hour had passed since her flight landed and hers were pretty much the only bags left on the carousel so I was starting to feel a little panicky not knowing where she was.
I always arrange for her to have wheelchair assistance so I knew she'd be among the last but I wasn't seeing her at all.
They were taking her bags to the luggage counter when the lady doing so got a call that they were on their way with mom and then I saw her.
It was such an instant feeling of relief.

We got her bags out to the truck then were our way.

I took the day off from work so we made a couple of other stops on the way home.
I figured mom would be tired so I didn't want to make too many but she seemed ok and came in Walmart with us to get some groceries then we headed home.

My niece was having trouble with her pumpkin carving at first.

She did all these though so I guess things turned around for her.
She is just so talented!

They had a Halloween party for the kids in town at the community center today and this cute little lambie attended.

There she is with her mama.

I like the makeup she put on her face, looks cool.

Selfie with mommie.

Cutest Lamb in the world.

Back in PEI, Halloween festivities were in full swing.
Pretty cute little Mario there!

Here is my Auntie N (who was feeling better so they allowed her to go home for the day) with her great grandchildren.

Here the kiddos are with my Uncle G.

Mario with his very preggo sugarskull mommy and grandma.

My cousins twin girls were mustard and ketchup.
What a cute idea.

Such big grins - love it!

They are growing up so fast.

Sweetest condiments ever.

My cousin and her honey had great costumes.
He was Bob Ross and she was his painting.

Their kids were Spiderman and the Queen of Hearts. 

My nephews were a banana and a slice of pizza! 

Ha ha - so cute.

Looks like a wet day out there on the East coast but at least I don't see any snow!

"It's All Mine!" 

Mr. D looks happy with his haul too.

When we got home, My Honey got to work on carving his pumpkin and I got to work on another page in my goals book after getting the candy ready to give to the kiddos.

My Honey put his pumpkin out and we were open for business.

One of our first trick or treaters.
Miss Z made a beautiful unicorn.

Baby F had a second costume for the day, Cookie Monster.

She wasn't so concerned about the trick or treating.

She wanted to vacuum.

We didn't get many trick or treaters over the course of the night, we only got 13 all together.

One of our last one's was this scary transformer.

Oh wait, it's only Mr H.

He and his mom were out trick or treating by themselves as Miss A opted to go with a friend this year.

Showing me his muscles.

He had walked enough in his opinion and he was done with trick or treating and wanted to take off his costume.

So off it came.

He wanted to look through all of his candy right away.
So he dumped it and got to it.

He found this yummy looking gummy sucker.

Had to taste it right away and it was terrific!

He's such a generous little soul.
He wanted to share his loot with all of us.
He's so thoughtful like that - his dad was just the same way when he was little.
I remember when we were young, my mom asked my brother if Santa had been good enough that year and my brother responded that he felt Santa had brought him too much.
What kid says that?

My SIL and Mr H visited for a bit then I drove them home.
He was done with walking!

Miss H posted some pictures of their night.
Here they are when they first started out trick or treating.

What a cute Cookie Monster.
Can't believe she was actually leaving the hat on.

Selfie and I think she likes what she sees.

She pulled in quite a bit of loot tonight too.

Got to have at least one treat - these look good.

Happy Halloween!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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