Friday 8 November 2019

Dinner Theatre with My Girls (Oct.25, 2019)

The morning started out not too bad weather wise but it got messy pretty quickly.
I was watching the snow falling all morning and wishing it would stop since I have to head into the city later today.
My sister in law, daughter in law and two nieces are all heading in to go to the dinner theater tonight in Edmonton.

Our foreman, BL, came in with a gift for me this morning, this nice backpack.
It is our companies 30th birthday and they celebrated by giving everyone in the company a gift (the backpack).
That was nice of them.
When I went home for lunch, I had a pile of snow to clean off of my truck.
But then when I went back to work, it seemed to have stopped and I was so thankful.
Then around 2 pm, it started up again and with a vengeance.
Looks like it's going to be a slow drive in to the city tonight.

I had a parcel arrive for me today - it's all the scents we bought for making candles.

My Honey is going to be excited!
I picked everyone up as I offered to do the driving and we were on our way.
The roads were crappy and snow covered but at least it was light out.
I was already dreading the drive home later tonight.
We were going to see Friends at Jubilations Dinner Theatre in the West Edmonton mall.
We got there just before 6 which was a bit early so we popped into my favorite store, Homesense.
I ended up getting a little Christmas outfit for Baby F.
It has a little poncho with it - so cute.
Then we headed into the theater.

These are the main actors in the show tonight.

The quality of their playbill books has gone down somewhat - still serves the purpose though.

We were sitting at the edge but right up front.
The set was pretty good - it did remind of Monica's apartment.

There was even a painting of ugly naked guy on the wall across from the stage.

It was Miss A's first time going to a dinner theatre.

My sister in law and I.
They came at the very beginning and asked if a couple of us would volunteer to go up on stage, Miss H was the only one that took them up on it.
She sat up there while they did a song and kind of dance along to it.
She did really well.
The actors that played Monica and Chandler were awesome, had those parts down pat.
Phoebe, Joe, Ross and Rachel the actors were ok.

The fellow that played Ross also played Joey's childhood friend, Ace (Venture) and he played that role to a tee.

He was super funny to watch.
The meal was pretty good.
The mushroom soup to start was divine.

The salad was good too - nothing special but good.

I had the chicken entrée and it had a lemon sauce on it which I wasn't crazy about.
I find they don't always have the best meals anyway, it's more the show you go for.

The dessert was good - no complaints there.

We got Ace to drop by our table for a picture - Miss A was funny - she wasn't impressed (but she kind of was).
We all really enjoyed the show I think.
I wish we lived closer to the city so we could do things like this together more often.
When we got back outside, the snow had stopped and the roads were clear.
So the road home was far better than what I was expecting, until we got about 30 km away from home, then it turned to crap.
So the last part of the drive was slow going but we made it home safe and sound.
I dropped everyone off and by the time I made it home and into my bed, it was 2 am.
Going to be having a sleep in tomorrow!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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