Sunday 3 November 2019

BH's Birthday Trip (Oct.12, 2019)

I was up and off early into the city this morning for our girls birthday trip to celebrate BH's birthday.
Her birthday is actually Oct.22 but this was the only weekend that worked for us all to go.

BH has been wanting to check out this silk plant store for a few years now so we made a point to actually stop there today.

NCT was liking what she was seeing.

We all were, we all had our phones out and were madly taking pictures.

They have all their Christmas stuff out and it looks beautiful.

They have a lot of lovely things in the store and they are very reasonably priced.

We wondered around for about an hour, found some clearance shelves in the back - my favorite.

I also found these garlands.
I think they are amazing, they look so real.
They are $50 each but I think I might come back another time to get a couple.

We had to race from their over to the movie theater in St Albert for a movie.
We'd purchased the tickets online yesterday so we had to be there in time.

We saw Downton Abbey.
I watched the whole series so I knew all the characters and their backstories and even though the other girls hadn't, they could still follow the storyline and they still enjoyed it as well.

After the movie, we went and looked at some show homes in St Albert.
It's one of BH's favorite things to do.

I think of all the places we saw, the first one was my favorite.

Interesting round window - can't say I would want it though.

I loved the set up of this basement theatre area.
The sectional was comfy and I really liked the space ceiling.

There was a gym right across with glass doors so you could work out and watch the big screen if you wanted to.

The fridge of my dreams.

I kind of liked this tile they had in the butlers pantry.
Side note - I would love to have a butlers pantry.

I do love the shape and size of these windows, they were in the second place we looked at.

I think when we build our forever home, I want to have a gorgeous soaker tub.

I liked the candlesticks on the counter here.

I like the wall behind the bed and the floor to ceiling drapes.

I love the shape of the front door and that it's double doors.

This floor tile is fabulous - I wouldn't mind having it in my kitchen.

This one place made use of some wasted space under the stairs by building this little play house.

Another gorgeous soaker tub.

All in all, we looked at about 7 places then they were closing up.
Also, NCT had plans to go to her friends place in the city for Thanksgiving dinner so her hubby met us and picked her up.

BH, SV & I all went to Marshalls.
We each bought a couple of things - SV got a gorgeous clock for out at the golf course.

Our last stop was Earl's for the birthday supper.

I can't believe how large I look.

We ordered this garlic parmesan bread for an appetizer.

I had a chicken teriyaki bowl. 

BH & SV both had Kung Pao chicken.

They had sticky toffee pudding which I can not resist so I ordered one and we shared.

None of us were able to finish - still full from the popcorn I suppose.
So I took lots of leftovers home to My Honey.

After supper, we headed back to the hills.
It was 10 pm when we got home and My Honey was already in bed because he has to work in the morning so I just put the leftovers in the fridge and joined him.

Meanwhile today, Miss H had Thanksgiving dinner in BH with her grandparents.

She posted a few pictures of Baby F playing outside.

She's so smiley these days.

OMG - this is my new favorite picture of her.

She is such a dolly.

She was thoroughly enjoying herself, you can just tell.

Seeing her so happy is heartwarming.

She's a happy, healthy little girl - I am so blessed.

Running around, enjoying the leaves.

Taking a selfie with mommy & Auntie Z.

Having some dessert.

Thinking about if she wants more or not.

Yup, going in for more.

She doesn't look so sure.

This little girl loves her water - she gets it honestly.

Awe - such big smiles.

Happy happy girl = happy happy grandma.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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