Monday 11 November 2019

Birthday Lunch for BH (Nov. 7, 2019)

Another busy day at the office for me.
I still haven't got my project finished but I'm trying.

We missed going out for BH's birthday lunch back in October when her birthday actually was so we went out today to celebrate.
BH & SG.

SV & I.

I was trying to pick something healthy so I went with the omelet.
It was really good - I ate half and took the other half home, I figure mom can have it for breakfast tomorrow.

We had an FCSS meeting tonight.
Mom & I both went.
I haven't seen everyone since before the summer so it was nice to see them all again.

I love these - I want to try to use my Cricut and make one.
This is just how I feel when I have to go out to curling (or to meetings).
Once I get out and go though, it's not so bad.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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