Sunday 10 November 2019

More Goals, Chinese Food and a Visit with Baby F! (Oct.29, 2019)

It was a regular, busy day at work today.

At lunch, I worked on my goals book a bit, got a page done.

I had a craving for chinese food so I went down to the restaurant and ordered some supper for My Honey and I.
They said it would be about a half hour so I went over to my son's to pass the time until it was ready.

I'm always up for a visit with Baby F.

Selfies with Grandma right off the bat.

Ha ha, she doesn't look so sure of the selfie thing here.

One of her signature looks.

Loving the camera as usual.

The little pants she had on with the stripe down the side were cute.

She's seeing what she can pull out of my purse.

Now she's just going right in there, pulling everything out.

She found the truck keys.
She likes them for some reason.

Just chillaxing with her baby on the couch.

She was being a little monkey.

Ha ha, not a care in the world (which is how it should be)!

Having a snack with mommy.

Two sweet girls right there!

Back to the couch - she was being full of energy tonight.

She entertains me so much, I could have sat and watched her all night.
I did have to go pick up my food eventually though.

I had a little bit of everything and it satisfied my craving.
Now I probably won't want it again for quite some time.

I got another page done in my goals book this evening.
Get 10,000+ steps in every single day for a year.
I'm going to start tracking it Jan.1, 2020 just because that's what looked good on the page but there's no reason why I can't get started really any time.

My son is doing odd jobs for Miss H's uncle and he was up working on some apartments in town for him today.
So Miss H and Baby F went for a walk up there to visit him.

Even though we are snow covered, it was sunny out and not super cold.
She was bundled up pretty good for her walk too.

I think she enjoyed being out in the snow and the fresh air - it looks good on her!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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