Thursday 7 November 2019

Sick Baby (Oct.24, 2019)

I was up early and on the road to St Albert before 7 am.

It was still dark out for most of the drive but the snow from the other night had melted and I met some traffic heading to the hills but aside from that, the road was really quiet pretty much until I got to Westlock.

It was a nice drive in, I got to watch the sun come up which I just love.

I had brought a bagel with me for breakfast but forgot to eat it on the drive then when I got to the office, I went into the meeting I'd driven there for immediately.

I was a bit worried about the meeting but it went smoothly.
It was just about lunch time when I got out and they were ordering in lunch so I figured I'd skip the bagel and wait on that.
I wasn't even feeling that hungry.

They ordered in soup and sandwiches and CC came out to eat lunch with me.
We chatted about lots of stuff including her trip she just took to Morocco.

She made a memory album of her trip and brought it in for me to have a look through.
It looks like she had a great time and it sort of makes me want to go to Morocco now.

She also did a beautiful job on the book.
She made it online through Costco's website, I'm going to have to check it out.

Just after lunch, Miss H texted to tell me that my brother's truck needs a big ticket item fixed and he's not sure if he's going to be able to do it.
So he dropped by to tell my son that he may have to lay him off and my son was feeling pretty down about it.

That was on my mind all afternoon.
I just want everything to work out for them.

My brother has done so much for me over the years, especially when I was single and needed help, he ALWAYS helped me. I just wish I could help him now.

Wave a magic wand and fix the truck or win the lottery and be able to just give him as much money as he needs.
He's such a good person and a hard worker.
He could really use a break.
I'm going to pray really hard that it all works out.

I couldn't wait to get back to town and stop in to see my son too and just make sure he's alright.
I had a few meetings in the afternoon so I had to stay and attend those.
It was 3:50 by the time I finished up and was able to leave.

I stopped in and picked up a spicy sandwich from the Italian Market for My Honey and I had to gas up but other than that, I drove straight home.

It was about 6:30 when I got back to town and I drove straight to my son's to see how he was doing.
I was happy to find that he was actually doing ok.

Baby F was sick though.
She had a high temperature and had been up all night vomiting.
Poor dear little thing.

They had taken her up to the hospital to get her checked out and all was good.
She has 6 teeth that are breaking through right now so that's probably causing some of her discomfort.

She wasn't very interested in eating all day and you could see that she was looking a bit pale but she seemed in good spirits when I got there.

A little more clingy to mom & dad than she has been lately though.

I was able to coax her over with my phone.
She loves looking at herself on the screen and pressing the button to take pictures so I let her do that for a bit.

Then she & I took some selfies.

She's giving me the stink eye in this one.

There's a good one - got a bit of a smile out of her.

Her new hang out spot - she loves sitting (and standing unfortunately) on the platform in front of the fireplace.

I told My Honey I was there so he dropped by after work too.

She shared some of her cheese with him.

We stayed and visited until it was time for her bath and bed.

When we got home, My Honey had his spicy sandwich for supper and I had leftover veggies, stuffing and gravy.

We watched a Shrek Halloween short "The Bride of Gingy".
It was kind of funny.
Then it was off to bed.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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