Thursday 14 November 2019

Christmas Craft Fair Season Has Begun! (Nov.12, 2019)

My Honey got called out to work at 4 am and after he left I just could not get back to sleep.

Finally, at 5 am, I decided to get up and have a nice, hot bath.
I looked at Pinterest for an entire hour in there.
Time sure flies when you are having fun!

I weighed in first thing when I got to work.
Some movement on the scale.
If I keep it up, I should see the 250's next week.
Feeling good!

The Christmas Craft sale was on at the community center today and normally we girls all go.
My niece, Miss M, also wanted to go so I picked her up on the way.

We met the other girls when we got there and we had lunch first.

We had the lunch which was soup and sandwiches.
I love egg sandwiches so I'm always happy to have those.

After we ate, we walked around and checked out all the wares.
I picked up a few things, mainly for Miss M for Christmas.

Also signed up for a sign making class and a pillow making class.
Those should be fun.

I left work a half hour early to go for my massage.
I love getting a massage and today was no different.

This is KW, my massage therapist.
I asked if I could take her picture for the blog and she didn't mind.

The massage was wonderful as always.
The conversation is always nice too - we talk about everything but today the focus was on music.
She really enjoys music and so do I and she always seems to find new, interesting artists that I enjoy listening too.

After the massage, I stopped to get some stain at the Hardware store.
I want a dark one so I got ebony - I'm thinking that should be dark enough.

When I got home, I had some chicken breast casserole for supper and mom & I watched an episode of Counting On.

I wanted to get my lamb painting done and I've been having so much trouble with the wording on it that I decided to get my Cricut out and make a stencil.

I went with 'Be Merry'.
I set it to proper size, cut it out and got it on the board.
It fit perfectly.

I painted it and I'm happy with how it turned out.

I decided to make a stencil for the other little sign and making and when looking through cut files I came across one that said "Fleece Navidad" which would have been perfect for the lamb but oh well.

Maybe I'll make another.

I was working on the cricut and stencils and painting until almost 10.
My Honey still wasn't home from work and I knew I'd not go to sleep until he got home so I just kept working away.
He did finally get home just after 10.
At least today was his last day of shift and he can sleep in tomorrow.
I stayed up really late, until 11:30, just chilling with My Honey.
I'm going to pay for it in the morning but it was totally worth it.
Just before we went to bed, he noticed that he was about 700 steps away from having 30,000 for the day so he got his coat on and went outside and got them.
That is dedication!
I didn't even get my 10,000 steps today.
I want to work on getting that but I'm really focused on the eating side of things - that will be the next thing.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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