Thursday 7 November 2019

Family Fun Day at Prairie Gardens (Oct.20, 2019)

We had plans to head to a corn maze/pumpkin patch in Bonaccord today but my son had to go to work for a short job first so we had to wait for him to be able to go.

I picked up this lacey table runner to put on my skeleton yesterday.
I got it hot glued on but the more I looked at it, the more I thought it was too much.

So I cut a lot of it off - I made the edge jagged and I'm much happier with how it looks now.

My Honey cooked up bacon this morning the way he'd seen it done on a YouTube channel that we watch.
You just coat it with flour and cook it in the oven.
It made a huge difference and I think we will always cook our bacon this way from now on.

I made bacon buns for breakfast and they totally hit the spot.

The kitties were up to their usual routine - napping.

My son worked longer than he expected so it was nearly noon when we finally hit the road.
He, Miss H and Baby F went in one vehicle. Miss H's parents and sister went in another.

Then Miss M, Mr H and Miss A came with us.

Mr H brought a lunch bag full of goodies and I think he had most of it eaten in the first 20 minutes of the drive.

 We took the scenic route so it took us a bit longer to get there than everyone else. 

We got to see some nice country side along the way though so it was all good.

We parked and they bussed us over to the farm.

We were the cool kids and sat at the back of the bus.

Miss M is cool no matter where she sits.

Mr H had to move and sit with his best buddy.

I was surprised to see it when we got there.
They have quite the set up - not what I was expecting at all.

I gave him some money so he could buy a sucker and he was thrilled.

Prairie Gardens.
I think I'm going to like this place.
It kind of reminded me of what Roloff Farms must be like at pumpkin season time.

They had some corn husk dolls right at the entrance.
My mom used to collect smaller versions of these.

The kiddos with the horn dusk dolls.

I called my son to see where they were and they were at the petting zoo so that's where we headed.

We found them pretty quickly.
They were washing Baby F's hands after she'd been petting the animals and she wasn't thrilled about it.

Miss A found this cute bunny to love on.

Mr H headed straight for the goats.

You can go right in the pen with them and they don't seem to mind at all.

The little baby one was so cute.

Baby F went straight over to My Honey to be picked up when she saw him.
(I picked up this cute little coat at the second hand store for $2 bucks and it's darling, what a find).

There was a mini hay maze but Mr H preferred to run along on top of the walls instead of through the maze.

Found Miss Z.
My niece picked up this cape for her at the second store yesterday and she just loves it.
She wore it the whole day.

There was a fenced in area full of all these little ride on toys and that's where we took the kiddos next.

Miss Z was bouncing all over the place - wish I had her energy.

Baby F was having trouble getting hers to move.
She was fine just sitting on it though.

Mom helped a little.

Mr H found a bull dozer and a sand box and that's where he wanted to stay.

Discussing things.

Picking which one she wants to try next.

This one looks good.

Baby F and My Honey.

OMG - she is just the cutest.

She's asserting her independence already.
Would rather walk than be carried.

She's on a mission too, knows exactly where she wants to go.

Right to My Honey.
We had switched for a bit, he was watching Mr H and I was watching Baby F but guess we're switching back now.

Mr H is as fast as lightning and you just can't take your eyes off of him for even a second or he'll be gone.
He found a nice pile of hay to jump on though and he was loving it.

There was a scarecrow making station and that's where we went next.

Just wondering what everyone is doing - taking it all in.

Loving on the mama.

My son and CP were picking outfits for their scarecrows.

Ha ha - making silly faces.
She's been doing this thing lately where she looks sideways and its so funny.

She sure was interested in all that was going on around her.

Miss Z stuffing her scarecrow.

Who knew scarecrow stuffing was such hard work?

Miss A and Miss M were making a scarecrow together.

They had all the pieces stuffed, now they just had to put them together.

She wasn't sure what to think about all that hay.

She checked it out though.

Mr H was in his glory, he found a pile of hay he could jump off of . 

He did it over and over.

It was a lot of working climbing up each time but he didn't mind in the least.

My Honey and Miss H built a scarecrow between them as well.

CP (Miss H's mom) was also building a scarecrow.
Miss Z had been helping her but she had gone to join Mr H on the haypile.

Helping mom and dad stuff their scarecrow.

The girls posing with their finished scarecrow.

My son posing with the one he and Miss H made.

Sitting with dad and the scarecrows.

Checking out the details up close.

Now she's just being silly.

Ha ha - the faces on the girl - she's a little comedian just like her daddy.

See what I mean?

The other kids came over for a quick picture.

But then it was right back to the hay pile.

An action shot.

He was having a great time.

Jumping in the hay!

There were some chickens there that we stopped to have a look at.

Miss A was enjoying them.

Baby F wasn't too sure what to think about those - she wanted up and away from them. 

They had tons of toys for the kids to play with, Mr H was checking out the little kitchen.

There was a sunflower maze - we have to check that out while we are here.

The sunflowers were all dead but still standing.
I would have loved to see this when they were in bloom but it looked cool & creepy like this too - perfect for Halloween.

It wasn't really a 'maze' any longer because you could see right over the tops of the sunflowers but we still went for a walk through anyway.

They had this giant bear built out of hay.

Baby F wanted to relax in her wagon and Mr. H wanted to be the one to pull her.

Miss A & Miss Z wanted to help too so they pushed from the back.

They look so cute, Mr H looks like he's on a mission.
We headed back to the main plaza area of the farm where the shops and food were and they had a few of these fabulous pumpkin carvings about.

Ha ha - Miss A.

Miss Z and Mr H.

The elusive two headed farmer.

There was a witch going around handing out treats.
Mr H is so thoughtful, he always makes sure that he gets enough for everybody.
He doesn't have a problem with sharing at all in fact, he's very generous.

The food was smelling so good, we walked around and checked out what they had.

My son bought some of the tacos they had - they look pretty good too.

This is the plaza area with the food and shops and lots of tables.
We found one so we could sit and eat.

Enjoying some tacos.

I think she was having a great old time.

When the music hits you, you just got to move with it.

We got the kids each a pop and they were pretty pumped about that.

It had really turned into a lovely day and I was amazed at how many people were there.

Oh yeah, those tacos were GOOD!

They had some pumpkin ghosts hanging in the tree next to a little haunted house they had.

Miss M.
She took the kiddos through the haunted house - what a good big sister she is.

My son and his beautiful little family.

They had a table where you could make masks - Miss Z made a great one.

They had hay bale characters too.

He's so good.
He wanted some money to buy a sucker but not just for him, he wanted to buy one for his sissy, Miss Z and Baby F too.
Such a kind soul he has.

I was hungry too and these potatoes smelled divine so I got some.
There were cooked with a lemony garlic seasoning and came with dill sauce for dipping.
My Honey & I shared them and they tasted just as good as they smelled.

There was a little golf area.

Then we walked over toward the enchanted forest which was really just a little wooded area that they had put all kinds of dwarves, fairies and other little things in the woods to find.

There was a big teepee set up with drums inside so you could go in and have a pow wow.

My boy was getting right into it, he was drumming and singing. 

The farm closed at 6 and we stayed there pretty much until it closed.
Then it was back to the car for the ride home.

We called everyone to see if they wanted to stop in Westlock at Boston Pizza for supper on the way and we all met there.

Figuring out what to have.

She was all over the place so we gave her a phone to keep her occupied.

Ha ha - what a look.

They gave the kids coloring books and these little masks which they quite enjoyed.

I had a chicken quinoa bowl for my supper - it was ok.

I tried to get a group shot of everyone.

Our waitress saw me and offered to take it so I could be in it too - that was nice of her.
Actually got a shot with everyone looking too!

He got a cookie for desert and he liked it.
I don't think he's ever met a sweet thing that he didn't like.

After supper, we all jumped into our vehicles and headed home.

The girls were already posting pictures on Facebook on the drive home.
I really like this one of Miss M and Miss H.
It's great that they are friends first and now family too.

CP posted this one of Miss Z and Baby F with the goose.

Miss H and Baby F with another of the hay bale characters.

Miss Z & Miss A.
They had tons of these around - great photo props.

Riding the unicorn with her cape flying out behind her - love it.

Baby F picked herself out a pumpkin.

They had Baby F in the petting zoo before we got there.

She wasn't afraid to get right in there and check out the goats.

He was a cute little guy.

Miss M posted this nice shot she got of Miss A in front of another hay bale character.

It was a wonderful day and I'm glad it worked out that we could all go together.

My totals for today.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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