Sunday 10 November 2019

This and That Supper. (Nov.1, 2019)

I went to have my shower this morning and seems someone wanted to join me.

While I was at work today, My Honey tried out his new venture, candle making.

Melting the wax.
He came up with his own scent concoction by combining several of the scents we ordered together.

Keeping the wick straight.

He had just finished it when I got home for lunch and it smelled terrific.

We picked up tortilla soup yesterday at Costco and I had some for lunch.

We had picked up bunch of appetizer type food for last night but only ended up cooking it all tonight so we invited my son and family over to join us for supper.

My Honey got her a little pot and pan set yesterday but she was more interested in playing with the mouse from his computer.

She's so curious - likes to check out everything.


It was kind of a strange supper combination - we had sausage rolls, spring rolls, mini tacos, crackers and salmon dip.
A little bit of everything.

She was enjoying the crackers the most I think.

Ha ha - OMG - these expressions of hers just crack me up.

Trying to grab the chocolate bar - she figured out that she likes chocolate.

Discovering chocolate, it's good!

Making silly eyes at Daddy!

That sippy cup I bought for here sure comes in handy!

My Honey found the Bubble Guppies theme song on YouTube and put it on for her to watch and she was thrilled.

Playing hide and seek.

Where'd she go?

There she is!

She thought that was great fun.

That little giggle is the best sound ever!

Sweet cheeks!

Time to go home.

Paddington was hiding out in the bedroom the whole time our company was here.
As soon as the kids come over, both cats disappear.

Then once the kids leave, the cats come back out.
They spend A HUGE amount of time here on this table in front of the window.
It's their special spot.

My niece, Miss M, sent this to me today.
She wants to try to make one this year.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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